"Making Daddy" - читать интересную книгу автора (Grant Jack)Chapter 10Stan Hawley was nervous all day after the events of the morning with Robin. He was visibly shaken, and he was glad when Nina and the other kids got back and there were enough people around to relieve his fears of being alone with Robin. He had to steer clear of her, stay at a distance so he could not be tempted to do the things his body insisted on feeling when he was close to her. At dinner, which they didn't eat until after seven, Nina announced that she had promised a friend down the lake that she would go to a movie with her. Stan begged off, saying he preferred to relax and had some reading to catch up on. Actually he didn't want to sit in a show while his thoughts were racing over far more exciting things. He had watched all day for Francie, hoping that she would be able to get away and that he could meet her again and be with her. But there had been no sign of her. He'd walked along the road, passing her cabin without catching a glimpse of her. It made him nervous and he wondered if she had been caught last night when she sneaked back into the house. But she wouldn't have told where she'd been. No, Francie had as much to lose as he did and it was a sure bet she wouldn't risk discovery. What then? He sweated out the rest of the day. He couldn't get Robin's strange behavior off his mind, either. And thinking about her made him even more nervous. Christ, that had been close. If Francie would only come! He could screw her and relieve his frustrations, forget the wild thoughts about Robin that kept popping into his head. But Francie didn't show. Kevin asked for the car and Stan let him take it. He suspected that Kevin had a girl some place but he didn't ask. Both his sons were virile and active with girls. He accepted this fact easily and with some pride. Drew was already talking about going back to the city instead of staying the week at the cabin. Stan knew it was because of a girl named Sheryl that Drew was screwing regularly there. Kevin was more outgoing and aggressive, able to find a girl in any spot. Both boys vanished from the cabin shortly after their mother left. Stan tried to settle down with a book, but he couldn't keep his mind on the printed pages. He finally tossed the book aside and went outdoors. It was dark now, the kind of summer darkness that was alive with night sounds. The air was warm but not sticky, and there was a hint of a breeze off the lake. Robin and Jodi were playing a quiet game in the yard, but he reminded them it was bedtime. They didn't protest, which surprised him. He watched them go inside, and some time later the light went out in their room. Stan sat in a lawn chair smoked several cigarettes. When he was pretty sure the girls were asleep, he crushed out the last butt and walked around the house. On the road, he headed toward the Collins house, still hoping he might find Francie. Lights were on in the Collins place, but he couldn't see into the rooms from the road. He tried to think of some excuse that might validate his going to the door and knocking, but he couldn't. He hadn't met either of the parents except to nod in passing. The boy, Jack, had finished his work for Stan several days before. And he couldn't ask for Francie. He kicked a stone and turned back toward his own house. Damn! Why had he let her get away without setting a definite time and place to see her again? It was driving him crazy not knowing where she was and when he would see her. At the driveway to the Murphy place, he thought of the summerhouse where they'd met the night before. Maybe she'd come there. It wouldn't hurt to wait. She hadn't been able to get away until almost midnight the previous night. It was early, by that standard. He'd wait. When Jodi and Robin went to their room, they got ready for bed and turned out the light. Then they sat by the window and watched the shadowy figure of their father in the lawn chair. They held a whispered consultation. "Do you think he's going to meet Francie?" Jodi asked. "They didn't make a date; she said she didn't know if she could get out," Robin whispered back. "He's waiting for something." Robin peered at her sister in the dark room. "Jodi?" "Huh?" "He's mine… I mean if we have the chance I get to try first. You had Kevin… it's my turn." Robin felt a tight envy in her chest as she thought about her sister's success and her own failure. Jodi didn't answer right away but finally said, "Okay. But maybe I can help." "Help? How?" "Oh, I don't know. What I mean is I can watch and maybe join you-" "No!" Robin turned and growled the word. "You stay out of it!" "Okay, okay, don't get excited. Jeez!" Jodi moved away from the window and flopped onto her bed. Robin was jealous. That was it. She was just plain jealous. She was mad because Jodi had gotten fucked by Kevin while she was sitting around doing nothing. Well, she wasn't boss. Just because she was a year older didn't make her boss. Jodi would do whatever she wanted. She curled up with her pillow and closed her eyes. The day had been long and she was tired, more tired than she realized. In only a few minutes, she was asleep. Robin saw her father walk around the cabin and to the road. She glanced at Jodi but she was quiet. Was she asleep? Robin got to her feet and tiptoed past the other girl's bed without disturbing her. She let herself out of the bedroom and the cabin. She hadn't bothered with slippers and she had to move slowly so rocks didn't cut her feet. She could see a dark shadow moving ahead of her and she dared not get too close. Where was he going? She could see him walking slowly ahead of her. He didn't turn in at the Murphy cabin, and that surprised her. Was he meeting Francie at her house? She doubted that. He stood looking toward the Collins cabin for a long time and Robin ducked into the thicket of brush at the side of the road. After a few minutes, he turned around and started back. She held her breath as he went past. When he turned in at the Murphy place this time, she slipped out of her hiding place and followed him. The moon wasn't as bright tonight and she could barely make out his figure in the summerhouse. He was alone, sitting and smoking. Robin found a good place to hide and settled down to wait with him. If Francie was coming, she didn't dare go to her father now. She would have to wait. She was scared, and she wished she were home in a warm bed-her father's warm bed! She thought about this morning when she had felt his hot flesh on hers, had his wonderful hard cock so close… She pressed her hand to her mouth to stifle the sob that erupted. She was hot for him; the warm, gushy feeling in her belly was spreading through her as she huddled in the trees. Knowing how close she'd been to having him changed things. Before, it had been fun to watch and think about having him. Now it was torture. The minutes dragged by in the darkness. It seemed like a very long time before Robin was aware of another sound. Someone was coming. Robin peered toward the road. It was Francie. Stan saw her, too, and he leaped to his feet and ran to meet her. He pulled her in his arms and smothered her with a soul kiss. Her warm tits glowed like hot coals on his chest and he began to search for a way under her shirt. She was still dressed in shorts and a knit top-not the free-flowing nightgown of the night before. He tugged at her clothes impatiently. She pushed away and gasped for breath. "Wait-" "God, I've been waiting for hours! I thought you weren't coming." He kissed her again, breathing hard and feeling his cock stir and fill. "Mister Hawley… don't…" She pushed at him again, trying to free herself from his embrace. He peered at her. "What's the matter?" "I can't stay." "What do you mean you can't stay?" Anger filled Stan. The little bitch had kept him waiting for hours and now she was playing games with him. "My father knows I'm out. He said if I wasn't back in the house in fifteen minutes, he'd come looking for me." Her voice was low and frightened. "What! Does he know-" She shook her head quickly. "No, of course not. But I have to go right back. Please let me go; I just came to tell you…" New fear filled Stan. Did the girl's father suspect that she was meeting someone or was this only a normal part of their family life? He knew nothing of the parents… the Collinses. "I saw you walking on the road," she whispered, rubbing her hand slightly on his chest. "I knew… that is, I figured you might be waiting for me." "Francie-" "Gee, Mister Hawley, I thought about you all night and all day. Just my luck that my old man is in a lousy mood and watching me. He does that sometimes." "Tomorrow? Can you go somewhere with me tomorrow?" "Gosh, I don't know…" "Maybe you can meet me at the end of the road. I'll have the car; we'll drive somewhere and be alone. God, Francie, I'm so fucking hot for you …" "I'll try, Mister Hawley. But I can't promise." "One o'clock? By the mailboxes. If anyone sees us we can pretend we're driving to the store." "I'll try." "Be there!" She giggled. "You're hurting me." He hadn't realized that he was gripping her tit, mashing it against her ribs. His need was so strong it blotted out everything else from his mind. He released her and she pulled away. "I'll do my best, honest. Now I have to go. He'll be out here-" She pulled away from him and ran back to the road and vanished in the shadows. Stan swore softly under his breath, damning her and her father and himself. Shit, he didn't need her that bad. He could find someone else… sure, that's what he'd do. He'd drive down to the roadhouse a few miles away and pick up one of the local girls who hung out there. He'd have himself a good piece of ass and forget all about Francie Collins. He started for the house, then suddenly remembered he had let Kevin take his car. He swore again and leaned against a tree. His guts ached with the need he had built up for the girl. His balls were hard and ready, his cock half-erect and hopeful. Shit! He needed a drink. He strode quickly to the cabin and went inside. He took the bottle of bourbon from the cupboard and got a glass from the dish drainer. He carried both of them outside and down to the lake. He didn't want to do his drinking where one of his sons or his wife might come in. He had to get calmed down before he could face anyone. Every time he thought of Francie he got madder, and his cock stirred and grew. Little bitch. He sat on the pontoon boat, behind the striped awning that shielded him from view of the cabin. He poured himself half a tumbler of booze and began to drink. Robin had watched her father and the girl in the driveway and heard the girl's excuses. She wasn't fucking her father tonight! Francie had to go home, and Daddy didn't like it. Robin knew that he was probably hard for the girl. She grinned in the darkness of her hiding place. If he stayed hard, he might not be able to turn her down this time. She listened to them make the tentative plans to meet the next day. Then Francie was gone, and her father was striding back toward the cabin. She watched him get the liquor and go down to the boat. Robin hovered in the edge of the shadows and thought about her father. Would the drinks help him or would they help her? She could see him splashing the booze into the glass and downing it quickly. She'd seen him drunk several times-when his parties went on late or if he had business conferences that kept him out until early morning. He was happy when he drank; she could recall times when he grabbed her mother and tried to undress her on the spot. Nina's protests had finally stopped him, but the two had vanished into the bedroom quickly afterwards. That must mean that drinking makes him more sexy, Robin thought. She sat on a small stool near the end of the dock and waited. The house was quiet; Jodi was asleep, and the others weren't home yet. The lights across the lake shimmered on the water and seemed to emphasize the silence of the night. Her father poured another glass of liquor and set the bottle beside the deck chair. Every once in a while, she could hear him mumble something softly to himself. When he raised the bottle to refill the glass the third time, Robin crept toward the boat. A board creaked when she stepped on the dock, but her father didn't turn around. Robin smiled and moved onto the pontoon boat. |