"Homespun Fun" - читать интересную книгу автора (Brown J.)

Chapter 6

After phoning for a cab, Ken mixed two highballs and took them back to Lynn's room. She already had two suitcases open on the bed and was packing them with things from her dresser drawers. He set her glass on the dresser, then found room on the corner of the bed to sit down.

"Any idea how long you'll be gone?"

She shook her head as she took a quick sip of the drink. "I really don't know. It all depends on how Dad is, and how Mom feels when she gets home."

"Give me a call and let me know how things are."

"I will." She peeled off her dress, then began selecting clothes from the closet and folding them neatly into one of the bags.

Ken stared at the woman's tits that bulged out over her bra and the dark patch of hair that showed through her thin panties. With her garter belt, high heels and nylons, she looked as sexy as hell, and he felt a twinge in his prick. "Got time for a quickie before you go?" he asked, half-jokingly.

"I wish I did, darling, but I simply can't. I was hoping I'd get through earlier so we'd have time for a piece, but I couldn't make it.

We'll just have to wait till I get back."

Nancy looked in from the hallway. "I saw the car, Mom. Are you going pretty soon?"

"Yes, dear. Would you please make up a snack for all of us as fast as you can? Toby and I are leaving in less than an hour."

"Sure." The girl turned away and left.

"Well, I'll get out of your way, Sis," Ken said, standing up to go. He gave her luscious, mature body a last once-over, sighed, then went into the living room to join Dana.

Lynn came out a little later wearing a form-fitting knit dress, and Toby brought out the suitcases and set them down by the front door.

They all went into the kitchen for the soup and sandwiches Nancy had prepared, and the younger girl fed Dana while they talked about the flight and Ken's parents. They had barely finished when the door bell rang.

"That's the taxi," Lynn said, dabbing at her mouth with a napkin.

"Let's go, Toby." She gave each of the girls a kiss, then Ken followed her and the boy to the door.

"Don't forget to do the washing, Nancy," Lynn called back to the kitchen as the driver and Toby hefted the bags. She kissed Ken warmly, said good-bye, and went out to the cab.

Ken watched them pull away, then returned to the kitchen where Nancy was clearing the table. "I've got to work on some reports for a while, kids. Do you think you can keep yourselves occupied?"

"Oh, yeah," Nancy said. "As soon as I get the dishes done, I'll read to Dana. She wants to sit up in the front room anyway."

"We'll be okay," Dana said, more than happy that she would have her father nearly to herself for at least several days.

"Good. It shouldn't take me too long, but it's got to be done." He filled an ice bucket, got down a glass and a bottle of excellent scotch, then started for the door. "I'll be in my room if you want me.

Just keep the noise down for a while."

He trudged to his bedroom, closed the door, then crossed to his desk to pour a drink. He hated reports with a passion, and the scotch was necessary to make the job easier. Sitting down, he uncovered his typewriter, inserted paper, then sipped on his drink as he stared at the blank page.

For the next two and a half hours he wrote, paced, drank, went to pee, then wrote some more. His mind wasn't on what he was doing at all, and he had difficulty putting the words together. What he was thinking about was the girls, and how he was going to handle things in Lynn's absence.

The temptation was going to be there, staring him in the face every time he turned around, and it was going to be damn near impossible to ignore it. Could he? And if not, what would he do? The question plagued him, and the level of the bottle went down quickly as he struggled to get down on paper a description of his last job for his superiors.

By the time he had the envelope addressed and sealed, he knew he was getting pretty high, but at least the task was completed and he wouldn't have to worry any more about it. He went into the bathroom to splash cold water on his face, which revived him a bit, then he picked up the report and carried it to the living room.

The two girls were sitting on the couch, and Nancy looked up as he entered. "Boy, I thought you said it wasn't going to take very long, Uncle Ken. It's been hours!"

"I know. I'm sorry. It was a little complicated. Nancy, will you mail this for me tomorrow? I'd like you to take it to the post office so it gets out right away."

"I sure will. Just put it on the table by the door so I don't forget."

"Right. How are you doing, Dana?"

"I'm kinda tired, Daddy. If you don't mind, I think I'll go to bed."

"You go right ahead, baby. Maybe tomorrow we'll think of something different to do. Like go for a ride."

Both girls noticed that he was slurring his words, but neither of them said anything or acted as though anything were wrong. They stood up, Ken kissed Dana's cheek, then Nancy led her off to her room. After putting the girl into a fresh nightie, Nancy tucked her into bed, then collected all her dirty clothes.

"Your dad sure looks worried," Nancy said, gathering up the pile on the floor. "Did he say anything to you?"

"Uh uh. Not a thing. What d'you suppose is the matter?"

"Search me. Well, I've got to get the washing started. I'll see you in the morning. Night." Nancy went out, closing the door behind her.

Ken was in the kitchen mixing a drink when Nancy came through with a full hamper, heading for the door to the garage. "Are you going to do that tonight?"

"Just get it started. I'll finish it up in the morning."

He shrugged with indifference. The booze was getting to him, and he was feeling apathetic. Going into the living room, he turned on the TV, then sat down to stare at it moodily. He wished to hell he was out of there, and didn't have to face any more decisions about the girls, or Lynn, or the cute little nurse. He didn't like problems that had nothing to do with his work.

Nancy came back, her bountiful titties bouncing in her halter, and stopped by his chair. "I'm going to take a bath, Uncle Ken. Want to play some cards when I get out?"

He smiled at her, trying not to remember what her youthful body looked like naked. "No, I don't think so, sweet. I'm too tired tonight. I'm going to watch the boob tube for a while, then hit the sack."

"Okay. I'll see you in a little while."

He watched her trim, bare legs and jaunty ass as she turned away and disappeared into the hall, and thought, Jesus, I'll never be able to keep my hands off them! I was a damn fool for coming back with Lynn leaving! I can only take so much!

He smoked two cigarettes while he finished his drink, wondering if he couldn't hire a live-in housekeeper until his sister returned. A stranger in the house would put a damper on his lustful cravings and keep him in line. Not only that, but if he got one young enough, he might get a new piece of ass.

The idea sounded good to him, and he was giving it serious consideration when he went back to the kitchen for a refill. He hadn't uncapped the bottle yet when the phone rang and he picked up the receiver from the wall. "Hello?"

"Hello yourself. Remember me?" It was Mary Sims.

"Naturally. How could I forget?"

"You didn't call, so I thought I'd give you a buzz. I'm not doing anything. Why not drop over?"

"I'd like to, Mary, but something came up."

She giggled into the phone and sounded a little tipsy. "Isn't that what it's all about? I'd like to see that something that came up."

"It's not that. Lynn's gone, and I'm watching the girls."

"I'll just bet you are. Know what I'm watching? My finger while I tickle my cunt. I was getting it all nice and wet for you."

The thought of her teasing her hairless pussy made his prick begin to swell. "It sounds good, but I just can't make it tonight. Maybe tomorrow."

"Can't. Got a date. Honestly, Ken, I'd sure like to feel your big cock in me. In my mouth and my cunny. I'd like to fuck you till you couldn't get it up any more."

His organ jumped as it extended and pushed his pants out. "I wish I could. Why don't you call me when you're not busy, and we can work something out?"

"Ooohhh, Ken!" She was panting softly into the receiver. "I need your big old muscle in me! Uuuhhh! Uuuhhh! My finger isn't much help!

Ooohhh! I'd even let you ream my ass with your pole! Please come over!

Take care of me! I'm so fucking hot I could scream! Hhhuuuhhh! Oh! Oh!"

"Are you jacking off?"

"Yes! Oh, God, yes! I can almost taste that tremendous cock in my mouth right now! You could do anything to me you wanted to! I need a prick!

Ooohhh, Jesus! Please, Ken! Come now! Don't make me go crazy!"

Ken reached down and closed a hand around the bulge in his slacks, squeezing his long hard member as he pictured the nurse finger-fucking herself, writhing and squirming as she speared her finger in and out of her creamy twat.

"Go ahead and cum, Mary!" he groaned. "Let me hear you!"

"I…will!" He heard the unmistakable sounds of a finger making squishy noises in a juicy snatch. "Did you hear that, Ken? Hhhuuuhhh!

Oh, fuck! I'm going to cum! Damn! Oh, now! I wish it was your cock!

Huh! Huh! Huh! Ooohhh! Oh! Oh! Oh!"

"Do it, Mary! Do it!" He heard wrenching whimpers and sobs, then only heaving breathing.

She's all ready to be fucked, and I need it, he thought angrily, but I'm too goddamn tight to drive or even walk over there! Jesus Christ, I never do anything right!



"Are the girls asleep? I could come over there. We could fuck on the floor again. Or sixty-nine even, if you wanted to."

He mulled it over, but the risk was too great, even if his rod was thrumming like a tight banjo string. "No, baby. It won't work. Let's put it off till later. Call me. I'll be here."

"All right, damn you!" she shrieked. "Fuck you, you bastard!"

There was a loud click on the line, then silence. Grimacing with disgust, he hung up the phone and finished mixing his drink painfully aware of the rock-hard piston jutting out from his groin. He sampled the highball, smacked his lips, then proceeded back into the front room, slowing when he saw Nancy sitting in a chair with one leg dangling over an arm, wearing a shorty gown with no panties on.

She was already looking at him and the protrusion behind his fly, so there was no sense in trying to conceal it. Continuing on to his chair, he sat down and pointedly avoided glancing at the fur-rimmed gash that was exposed in her crotch.

"What makes your pants stick out like that, Uncle Ken. Your pee-pee?"

He nodded. "That's right."

"Why does it do that?"

What could he say to that? That a nurse had just jacked off over the phone for him? "It's hard, that's all."

"You mean bigger than it was this morning?"


"What makes it do that? Get bigger, I mean?"

Ken took a swallow of his drink and lit a cigarette. "A lot of things, honey. Haven't you ever seen Toby like this?"

"Yeah, but I never asked him about it. He wouldn't tell me if I did, anyway." She paused. "Does it hurt?"

He couldn't resist turning to her now and letting his gaze travel down to the pink slit surrounded by dark ringlets. "No, it doesn't hurt. All males get that way quite often."

She put her leg down and leaned forward, a puzzled look on her pretty face. "But why?"

The momentary glimpse he had gotten of her naked cunt had started his cock aching even more than before, and he was just high enough to take a gamble. "Because they want a girl to touch it, honey. Do you want to?"

Nancy clamped her hands between her knees and thought about it. She had always wondered why Toby's pants stuck out so far one time, and not at all the next. And now, seeing her uncle the same way, she was burning with curiosity, but was also a little hesitant.

"Are you sure it would be all right?"

"Certainly. Come over here."

When she rose and approached, he unzipped his fly and let his bloodengorged pecker pop into view, noting the astounded expression on the girl's face at her first sight of a prick. He spread his legs and pointed to the floor between his feet. She sank down with her eyes wide, taking in the thick hairy shaft with its tendons and blue veins and the smooth purple hood at the tip.

"Wow!" she whispered. "It didn't look like that before!"

"I know. Go ahead. Put your hand on it and feel it."

"I…okay." Resting her arm on his thigh, she reached out and barely touched the tremendous muscle with her fingertips, never taking her eyes off the pee slit in the cockhead. "Gee, it sure is hard, isn't it? I didn't know guys were made like that!"

"Go on, Nan. Feel it all over. It's all right."

She began to caress it tentatively, running her hand up and down the rigid organ. "Why does it move like that, Uncle Ken?"

"Because it likes you. Here. I'll show you another way to feel it."

He lifted the hem of her gauzy gown, then pulled it over her head, dropping it on the floor next to her. Then he pulled her toward him, placing his dick in her cleavage, and squeezed her tits together against his upright staff. Their silky smoothness against his pecker made it throb harder than before, and Nancy looked down at the bulbous knob with amazement.

"Gosh! Are you making it do that?"

"No, baby," he rasped. "You are. Would you like to see what it would be like to have something like that?"

Her head snapped up. "Huh?"

"Get up and sit on my lap, and I'll show you. C'mon."

When she got to her feet, he turned her around and pulled her back until she was sitting on his pelvis with his cock angling up between her thighs and pressing against her furry snatch. Then he pushed her legs together so that from her view, it looked as though his joint was growing out of her twat.

"See that?" he asked huskily. "That's what it would be like. Go ahead and pretend that it's yours. Put your hand around it and hold it."

Nancy was gawking down between her pointed orbs at the sleek cockhead and feeling it pulse against her cunny. It was the strangest and most exciting experience she'd ever had. Putting her hand down, she closed it around his peter and gripped it, moving it around between her creamy thighs and rubbing it on her pussy.

"It doesn't look so big that way," she said timidly.

"Of course not. Your legs are around most of it." His breath was coming fast, and perspiration was breaking out on his forehead as he reached around under her arms to cup her firm, hard-nippled titties and squeeze them. He could feel the fleshy lips of her cunt against his pelvis and the dew from her gash wetting his pubic hair. While she fondled his cock innocently, he kneaded her full cones and kissed her smooth back, fighting to control the frantic urge that was clawing at his loins.

"Do you have to hold it when you pee?" she asked, wiping the palm of her small hand all over the near-bursting head of his tool.

"Yeah," he answered gutturally. "I have to aim it."


The liquor he had consumed had dulled all his senses except passion, and was driving him on to unimaginable heights. A hard cock has no conscience, and his was as hard as it could get. He had to do something to her to satisfy his seemingly insatiable craving.

"Nancy," he asked hoarsely, "have you ever seen one doggie get on the back of another one?"

She nodded jerkily with shame. "Uh huh. Once. The boy dog was doing something to the girl dog, and nobody could get them apart."

"Let's do that, shall we? Get down on your knees, baby, and we'll try it."

She jumped up as though she had been stuck with a pin. "Oh, no!"

"Go on!" he said, more sharply than he had intended. "I'm not going to do anything to you. You won't feel a thing except my rubbing against you. Now, get down there!"

She was blinking rapidly and her chin was quivering as she nodded and lowered herself to the carpet. After one last pleading look, she crouched down to rest on her elbows, giving him a perfect view of the deep crack of her ass, her coral-colored pussy, and both puckered orifices.

"Please, Uncle Ken!" she whined. "Don't do anything to me!"

"You'll be just fine," he said soothingly as he slid off his chair and crawled up behind her. "Take it easy and don't worry."

Pushing her legs apart, he inched up until the head of his piston was touching her butt. Then he bent it down, slipped into the slippery crevice of her twat, and began slithering it around her dewy valley, teasing her clit and parting the tender inner folds.

"Uncle Ken! Oh don't! I'm just a kid! I don't want to do anything like this! Please! Oh, please!"

"Hush! You're safe! I'm not going to harm you! Relax!"

All he intended to do was caress her virgin cunny with his dick and hopefully get his gun off in the process. Bending over her shapely back, he reached under her for the lush mounds hanging from her chest and began tweaking the tiny pointed nipples. He was stroking his prick the full length through her cunt furrow, and the sensation was glorious.

"Ken, don't! I want to go to bed! Let me up! I don't want to do this!

Oh, Mom! Please! Don't! Ooohhh! Ooohhh!"

"Quiet, baby! God, you feel good! You're so nice and wet and slick!

You're juicy, too, baby! I like that!"

As he continued to push his huge thing through her crotch and play with her nipples, Nancy's fear gradually abated. If this was all that was going to happen, it wasn't as bad as she had thought it would be. She bowed her head and looked back at the purple tip of his pee-pee as it glided back and forth against her cunny.

"What are you doing, Ken?" she whimpered. "What are you doing to me?"

"Nothing, sweetheart! I told you it wouldn't hurt! Pretend we're doggies! Oh, damn! Doesn't it feel good? I thought you'd like me to do it? Uuuhhh! Uuuhhh!"

"It's okay, I guess. Isn't that enough? Aren't you through yet? I'm gettin' scared! Really! Let me go to bed!"

"In a minute, sweet, in a minute!"

He could tell that this sawing through her crotch wasn't going to be enough! He had to have more! His balls were on fire, and his cock was straining so hard it hurt! He wanted sorely to plow his joint into her girlish twat, but even in his drunken state he couldn't bring himself to do that. Suck him? No. She was much too frightened as it was. There was only one thing left.

"Uncle Ken, I'm not comfortable! Let me up! I don't want to be like a doggie! Please? You're heavy! Please?"

"Easy, baby, easy!"

Ken dropped her titties, straightened his back, then pulled his prick out to look at it. It was glistening wet from the girl's milk, greasy enough to do what he had to do. Gripping her waist, he gazed down at her tightly puckered anus, and almost changed his mind. But his bloated balls and his liquor-bleary mind wouldn't accept any other alternative.

He had to have it!

"This is going to smart for a second, Nancy, but that's all! You've got to relax completely, now! Don't fight it! Just let it happen! Hold on, darling!"

Resting the nose of his poker against her anal mouth, he braced his knees, took a deep breath, then slowly pressed forward, feeling the strong muscle resist, then stretch to accommodate the head of his cock.

When the orifice closed over the crown, he stopped to let her get used to the feeling.

"Eeeyyyiiiooowww!" The piercing, animal-like cry seemed to be torn from the girl's throat. She tensed momentarily and went totally rigid, then her upper torso slumped to the floor and she began to sob wrackingly.


The second she began to cry, she became limp, and Ken felt her sphincter loosen on his embedded organ. Knowing she would feel less pain now, and unable to stop, he eased his cream-oiled dick into her colon until his pelvis was pressing against her buns. Then he began to speak to her soothingly as he wormed it in and out of her rectum.

"That's it, Nancy! That's my girl! You can take it! Sure you can! It doesn't hurt now, does it? Ooohh, honey! You're such a wonderful girl.

Such a pretty baby! Aaaggghhh! Ooohhh, fuck! Hhhuuunnnggghhh!"

The only movement in the young girl's body was the shaking of her shoulders as she cried uncontrollably. Her cheek was resting on her folded arms, and she was oblivious to the stretching and tearing of her bunghole, as she was almost in a state of shock.

"Nancy! Ooohhh. Lord! Hhhuuunnnggghhh! God, I could fuck you like this all night! Christ, what an ass! Do it, honey! Fuck Daddy! Fuck me!"

He was staring at his shit-streaked prick as his speared it in and out of her anus, feeling the muscled ring caress it like a pair of tight lips. Then the jizz was racing toward his stabbing joint, and he let it flow like the scalding river it was, not even trying to hold it back.

"Now! Nancy! Ooohhh, fuck! I'm cccuuummiiinnnggg!"

The sudden eruption of seething juice in her colon aroused the girl from her near faint. She felt the gusher pouring into her like an enema, and then it was all over and her uncle was slowly taking his monstrous thing from her behind. No sooner had it popped out than she leaped to her feet, grabbed her nightie, and ran bawling from the room.

Ken was still on his knees when she made her quick exit, and she was gone and in the bathroom before he could think of a thing to say. He fell over and leaned against the chair for a moment, trying to clear his head and get his bearings. Then he heard the bathroom door open and another door slam.

Getting up, he lurched into the hall and went directly to Nancy's room.

He opened the door, and found it dark inside. After fumbling for words, he finally spoke from the doorway.

"Nancy, I…! God, I'd give anything if that hadn't happened! Do you believe me? Will you forgive me?"

He waited several minutes for an answer. When there was none, he decided it was useless, closed the door, and went to his room where he flung himself down on his king-size bed and immediately passed out.