"American incest patterns" - читать интересную книгу автора (Wilson James P.)


Bored by a conventional sex life, or frightened by the specter of impotence, people turn to incestuous conduct for an added excitement, and a hope that the forbidden fruits of such liasons will result in added sexual dimensions. Is there a justification for such conduct? Can the erotic spectacle of incest restore the impotent penis? First of all, authorities confirm one salient fact. Impotence is on the rise. From their late twenties to sixties and seventies, more American men are suffering from the inability to affect an erected penis. In desperation, they try many remedies, and when they fail, they resort to erotic visual stimuli, or different kind of sex acts. White men with impotency problems will seek out black women, an old man will seduce a young girl, and an old woman unable to find an exciting sexual partner in her own generation will turn to young boys who are not yet in their teens. Others turn to incest.

Many, of course, are disappointed. They expect too much from their genital organs. As the author of Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex and Were too Afraid to Ask put it, "… a lot of men expect more from their genitals than they were designed to deliver. These fragile structures are controlled by delicately tuned mechanisms oriented to quality, not quantity. Copulation is not a competitive sport. Yet men who compete intensely in every other area of their lives find it hard to take sex as it is…"

Nevertheless, the case subjects documented in this book have all affirmed their belief that the incestuous coupling has increased their sexual vigor. And from the women, incest has increased their excitement in sex, and their anticipation of the act. They are no longer bored or disinterested. To the contrary, they approach the incestuous bed with the same vigorous anticipation, they approached their marriage bed many years ago.

One conclusion then, is clear. The act of nicest to many couples is an excitement that increases passion and makes the coital act more pleasurable. But is incest an aberration, a perversion that will warp the mentality and twist the soul of a man or woman?

In the authoritative Sexual Aberrations by Dr. Wolhem Stekel, many bizarre sexual objects and practices are discussed. But no where does this medical authority list incest as an aberration or perversion. Many contemporary psychiatrists now believe that the incestuous act is a perversion and an abnormality only to those people who firmly believe these descriptions. To the actual practitioner of incest, the act becomes the norm, and intrafamilia sex, the desired sexual practice.

Can the act of incest cure impotence? In certain cases, it has affected cures but only from people who very definitely believed they were going to be cured by going to bed with a close family member. But incest can never be condoned by responsible medical authorities since they feel the act is an escape, a refuge for an individual who doesn't want to face up to the realities of his environment, or of himself.