"Blow girl" - читать интересную книгу автора (Brown Heather)


Lou abruptly went out of Margot's life, and mine, too. I was disappointed at first, but something told me that whatever happened from there on in, I would never be lonely again. I was confident that others would like me the way Lou had.

A few weeks after Lou left the scene he was followed by Paul, and then another, and another. What Margot didn't know was that as she was going through man after man, her daughter was doing the same-and with the same men!

After my initial encounter with Lou, which I had played by instinct, experiences with other men broadened my horizons. After all, despite the things Lou and I had done, I still was technically a virgin because we hadn't actually fucked. It was with Paul, the man just after Lou, that I first experienced the thrill of a rock-hard cock pumping furiously inside me; the lips of my cunt squeezing the last drop of man cream out of an ejaculating prick as it shot its gooey load into me.

I had had to put the make on Paul since he wasn't as forward as Lou. I waited until Margot was out by herself one evening and looked up his phone number and called him. I told him that I was home alone and scared and that he was the only one I trusted enough to call to sit with me until Margot returned.

I was learning fast because it only took me about ten minutes to get him with his pants off and his cock, which was even bigger than Lou's, staring in my face. In no time at all, I had straddled his cock and he could feel the slippery, hairless lips of my cunt on his prick as I slowly lifted and lowered my body on his stiff shaft. I rolled my little asscheeks around on Paul's hairy crotch the same way I had done on Lou's face, my cunt muscles tightening their grip on his stiff cock. I worked my hips up and down in a frenzy as he just lay back and let me do all the work, which I was more than willing to do. It took about three minutes, and when he came inside me the sensation was too much. After he had shot his load of cum I still kept moving. I wanted more. However, he made a motion to get up.

"I've got to piss," he said.

"Don't worry, Paul," I said. "I'll take care of that." I got off his loins and bent over his crotch and took his cock into my mouth. He tried to pull away, but I kept my mouth around his throbbing dick until he couldn't hold back. A stream of piss burst from his hard cock, and I almost gagged as it surged down my throat. It came so fast that it was running down my chin onto my flat little-girl's chest, and down my belly. After that he had to flick me again, and again!

As time went by and I began to approach my teenage years, the kids at school started to talk about sex in self-conscious whispers. I started to realize that there was supposed to be something shameful about the kind of relationships Margot had with the men who stayed in our apartment. This troubled me, not so much for Margot's sake, but for my own. These men were my link to the rest of the world, the proof that I was worth something and that somebody liked me, my guarantee against loneliness. They made me feel good because they not only said they like me, they showed it! How could something that seemed so necessary to me be wrong? The men in Margot's life-and in mine-were everything wrapped into one: proof that I was somebody that people could like, and the substance of the continuing dream of a father and brothers and sisters. The men went on changing, but the dream and my own needs remained the same.

By the time I was a teenager, my daydreams had started to change. There had been an endless succession of men, but it was clear that Margot was never going to settle down with any one of them. My fantasies about a family were altered. Now, I projected myself into the future, imagining myself with a husband and my own children, although strangely enough, I didn't connect this dream with sex. Although I didn't realize it at the time, I had gradually made the decision that I wanted all the men for myself, that I no longer wanted to share them, with Margot or anyone.

Meanwhile, I had come to accept Margot as she was-a beautiful amoral woman. I can't honestly say I was ashamed of her. She was reasonably discreet about her affairs, and outwardly gave the appearance of being a perfect lady. Besides, her affairs with men provided me with a steady source of satisfaction which kept me from being lonely. And just as she gave the outward impression of being a lady, I gave the outward impression of being an innocent child. Still, something inside me made me not want to pattern my life after hers. It was disturbing to me that as I got older the resemblance between us became startling. I had her tall, curvaceous body, her green eyes, and her pale-blonde hair, even on my cunt where it had started to sprout. On the other hand, it quickly became apparent as I became a teenager that I attracted boys the way she attracted men, and this opened up fascinating opportunities to me.

Until I was eighteen, I had never fucked anyone who wasn't a grown man and one of Margot's lovers. However, the boys had started to hang around me at school, begging for dates. As I had a steady supply of males at home, I turned them all down. Fucking Margot's boyfriends was all pleasure and no emotional risk. As I had long since figured out that none of them was going to stay around for very long, I didn't have to worry about any of them getting tired of me and risking any sort of disapproval. Each one liked me and then was replaced by somebody else who liked me just as much. Also, each one was teaching me new things.

However, as the boys continued to buzz around me I became more and more aware of them in spite of myself. I started looking at them in a new way, increasingly becoming aware of the bulges in the crotches of their tight jeans. Soon my daydreams included imagining what this one would be like in bed, picturing what that one's cock looked like when it was hard. It was around this time that I met Jeff.

I was the same age, at eighteen, that Margot had been when she had gotten involved with my father and pregnant with me, although the irony of it escaped me at the time. Jeff was a couple of years older than I was, a senior, and sat across from me in the study hall. I'd seen him from a distance all the way through school. He was the star runner on the track team. He was also an A student. He wasn't exactly good-looking, but he was tall and muscular and only had a little bit of acne. Half the girls in school seemed to be vying for his attention. Still, until we met, he hadn't dated much. And I, even though I had been sucking on cocks, and had had them stuck up every orifice of my body for four and a half years, was a social virgin.

Jeff was the first boy to whom I was attracted as an individual, and he was as attracted to me as I was to him. We made a Saturday-night date the first day we met. That night, at dinner, I told Margot excitedly about Jeff.

"You'll be wild about him!" I cried. "He's terrific! I just melted when he looked at me."

"Well, it's about time some boy interested you," Margot laughed. "I was beginning to think your grandmother's old-fashioned ideas had made you frigid."

The blood rushed to my face, but not for the reason Margot assumed. Suddenly, I didn't want to talk with Margot about Jeff any more.

"Look, kitten," she said, her tone becoming serious and concerned. "I know I haven't been much of a mother to you, but better late than never. I'd like to give you some advice. Don't take any chances. And I mean not any! Just ask me, J can tell you how easy it is to get pregnant."

I was shocked. Pregnant? It had never entered my mind. Sure, I knew how babies were made, but it hadn't occurred to me that it could happen to me. In all of the fucking I had done I had never taken any precautions. Margot's warning shocked me into reality, and I resented her for doing it.

She was trying to be diplomatic and said, "Now, I'm certainly not saying that you plan to go to bed with this boy, but that's what I thought the night you were conceived. But, thank God, the pill's available now! Maybe you'd better see Dr. Gray and get a prescription."

Suddenly, I was no longer a child, feeling free to do whatever I pleased. I became acutely aware for the first time that I was a young woman, and there were potential consequences to my actions. I can't let this happen to me, I thought in a panic. I can't get pregnant! I can't wind up like Margot! I stared at her, feeling sudden revulsion. I pushed away from the table. "I'm not like you," I choked, blinded by my tears. "Grandma didn't make me frigid, but she did teach me right from wrong."

"Hear! Hear!" Margot retorted, more amused than angry. "Hail the fair maiden with her marvelous, untried moral standards!"

"Don't make fun of me!" I cried out. "I am decent, the way Grandma was, and I will be decent," Margot's attitude confused me into turning the issue completely around in my mind. I was resentful that she had shocked me into concern over getting pregnant. And my concern over not winding up like her forced me into a position where I began to defend the innocence which she attributed to me, but which I actually didn't have. At that moment, I made the decision that I was going to be everything that Margot wasn't, and made the immediate decision that sex was out from now on, now that I was a proper young lady.

"I appreciate your high moral plane," Margot said, "but take my advice and see Dr. Gray-just in case."

"Never!" I screamed, and I ran to my room, slamming the door. I was determined to prove I was not the kind of girl who needed to be concerned about things like birth control pills.

I fell in love with Jeff on our first date, and I could tell he felt the same way about me. He held my hand all through the movie and, later, while we were sipping our malts, he didn't take his eyes off my face.

"You're so beautiful," he said in a husky, awed voice.

"Thank you," I whispered. For the first time I was glad I'd inherited Margot's beauty.

"You will go out with me again, won't you?" he asked anxiously.

"Oh, yes!" I dried, then added, "Any time you say."

"Maybe we could go swimming tomorrow," he said eagerly. "That is, if you like swimming in the ocean."

"There's a pool at our apartment house," I suggested happily.

"That's super!" he said, and just sat devouring me with his eyes.

Jeff kissed me good night at the door. It was a swift, self-conscious kiss that didn't last more than a second, but it was the first good-night kiss on my first date, and it was beautiful. At that moment it seemed more overpowering than all of the raw sex in the world. But that night I dreamed of Jeff, and in a dream over which I had no control things developed far beyond a chaste good-night kiss. It was a wild dream. He held me in his arms, kissing me the way the man and woman do in the movies, long and deeply. There was even music in the background. Then, abruptly, the music stopped. Jeff pulled himself back to arm's length and said, "Look at me," and suddenly there were three of him, all naked with huge stiff cocks.

Feeling my nipples becoming erect and my crotch tightening, I looked down at myself and discovered I was now completely nude, also. The three Jeffs advanced toward me, their cocks getting bigger all the time. I screamed in terror, but some unseen force was controlling my body and forced it down on its back, spread eagling its legs so that my smoldering cunt beckoned with its throbbing, dripping lips obscenely wide open.

The three of them took me all at once, one of them fucking my cunt all the way to the hilt, another ramming his giant prick all the way to his balls in my tight ass, and the third sitting on my face and forcing his cock down my throat. In the dream they all withdrew their cocks from me at once, and ejaculated endless gobs of jism on my face and tits.

I placed my hands in the pools of cum and rubbed it wildly all over me, licking my lips to get whatever I could in my mouth, massaging it into my hair, rubbing handfuls of it over my tits and belly, smearing it into the curls of my cunt hair. Then, sticking my gooey fingers wherever there was an opening-in my mouth, my eyes, my ears, my belly button, my ass, my cunt-I writhed my way to an incredible orgasm that only ended when I abruptly woke up alone in my bed, my cunt drenched and the air filled with the smell of sex.

I was both incredibly turned on and incredibly frightened. All of a sudden the date with Jeff the next day seemed threatening to me. But, after getting myself together, I told myself that it was only a dream, and nothing could make me do anything on the date the next day I didn't want to. Finally, I went back to sleep.

I had on my bathing suit when Jeff arrived the next afternoon. Margot and her current man had gone somewhere for the day. When I opened the door, Jeff stared at me, speechless, his face flushed.

"Come in," I said. "My mother's out, but it's all right. You do have your bathing trunks?" It was a stupid question, since I could see he had them in his hand, but with all the pressure I was under after the previous night's dream, I was nervous.

He nodded that he had his trunks.

"You can change in the bathroom," I said, sounding breathless.

I was beginning to understand exactly what that dream was trying to tell me. Sudden, unexpected attraction between a boy and a girl can be dynamite when they're alone. After a few minutes alone it was already that way between Jeff and me. We were both aware of its force, and neither of us knew how to control it. It made us self-conscious, and at the same time it drew us together magnetically.

When Jeff emerged from the bathroom in his swimming trunks there was no way I couldn't help but notice the bulge of his cock and balls in them. Then, downstairs, in the heated pool, our bodies kept coming together and the insistent bulge of his hard cock kept pushing and brushing against me. We'd cling for a moment, his prick feeling as tough it were trying to tear through the cloth that was keeping it from jutting free. We would break apart, both of us apparently aware of how closely we were tempting fate. But, then, after a while, we would be touching again. Finally, we got out of the pool and lay down on the deck, looking at one another but saying little. It was around five when we went up to change.

"It was fun, wasn't it?" I asked as I opened the door.

Jeff nodded, and as soon as we were inside, he kissed me, just like he had in my dream. Our nearly nude bodies clung together, and I felt the most beautiful, demanding, frightening rush of desire I'd ever known. I didn't know whether to pull away or press closer. I had to call upon all of my self-control to resist slipping my hand into his trunks and wrapping my shaking fingers around his stiff cock. When the kiss ended, I had a hard time breathing.

Just as I was getting myself composed, Jeff grabbed me again and started a second kiss that was even more passionate than the first. His cock seemed so hard against me that I couldn't help but wonder if it was not out of his trunks. The temptation grew too great to resist and this time I moved my hand down to his groin. The swelling was immense. I rubbed my hand over the straining cotton of his bathing suit and then slid it down under the elastic at the top. I cupped his hot balls and the base of his cock in my hand and began a pulsating squeeze. He moaned in pleasure and I knew there was no turning back.

From my experience I knew that all men luxuriate in the feeling of being pampered, especially one so young and inexperienced as Jeff. I began to strip off his trunks, slowly, lovingly, sensually, with all of the erotic soul I could summon. I put my hands inside his suit and began slowly pulling the trunks down as I pushed against him with my hips. The maddening friction between his cock and my undulating body was driving him crazy.

I held him close like that for a moment or two, rubbing against him gently as his trunks fell to the floor and his steel prick rammed against my stomach. I put my hands around his ass and started to ply and knead the bottom curves of his exposed asscheeks.

I motioned for Jeff to lie down on his back, and when he started to say something I shushed him. When he was supine I started massaging him with my fingertips, concentrating on the area between his knees and his waist. I spread his legs and gently stroked the sensitive inside of his thighs. Oh, he was such a beautiful boy, with a slight tan, freckles on his shoulders, and no hair on him except under his arms and framing his long, slim cock that protruded up from his groin at a forty-five-degree angle.

I continued to massage him, working ever closer to his crotch. I ran my finger down the little crease between his balls and his thigh. He shuddered with pleasure as I eased my teasing finger under him and began playing with his asshole. Exploring it, tickling it, I was driving him crazy with pleasure as he elevated his ass for greater access and I probed his bunghole for a moment with an inch of my finger.

Placing my face down to his loins while I continued with my hands, I used my tongue to investigate the furrow between his puckering asshole and the underside of his balls. As I licked his balls, I used one hand to squeeze them gently, while the fingers of my other hand played in the thatch of his pubic hair.

Finally, I went down on his gorgeous palpitating cock and sucked it and licked it until it was completely drenched, then massaged the moisture into the shaft with my busy hands. He was going nuts. Just as he'd reach the breaking point, I would briefly take his whole prick into my mouth and slide up and down on it, from the tip to the base, before I resumed the maddening massage.

Just when he seemed about ready to pass out from the urgency of his passion, I began to bathe him all over with my darting tongue. I licked the base of his rampant cock, his swollen balls, the insides of his thighs, the furrows and creases surrounding his cock and balls, and, last, but not least, the red rose of his asshole.

At this point his moans had become so piteous that I had to stop playing with his beautiful young body and give him what he wanted. Taking his fiery prick into my mouth down to the hair, I felt it press warmly against my throat. Then I slid my lips back up to the tip, and then sucked it back down a second time. Meanwhile, my hands fondled his balls and fiddled with his asshole. My mouth revolved as I moved up and down the length of his cock. On about the fourth or fifth swallow I could feel his prick expand even more in my mouth. I knew that the explosion wouldn't be long in coming. I held his cock deeply in my mouth and throat a second longer than usual because I knew he was going to come now and I wanted to be sure I caught every drop. A torrent of scalding jism pounded into my throat, causing me to gag in ecstasy as I was almost choked by the bubbling man milk.

When it was all over, between gasps for breath Jeff turned to me and panted, "Where did you learn that?" As an answer I put my fingers to my lips, telling him to be quiet, and went back to working on his prick again. He'd had his satisfaction, now I was going to prime him up again so he could lick me off and throw a fuck in me so I could get my jollies.

I stood up and kicked off my bathing suit in a flash, and then came down on him with my knees at each side of his head and my moist cunt staring him in the face as I hunched over and started arousing his flaccid prick with my busy mouth. He seemed so inexperienced that he undoubtedly had never sixty-nined before, but, apparently, instinct Was guiding him, for he quickly pushed his face into the hairy swamp of my waiting cunt spread widely in front of him and began lashing his tongue into my slit. I took his cock which was starting to show definite signs of renewed life and proceeded to lick the sides of it as he licked my cunt. I took pains to keep my rhythm and tempo even with his.

He ate my cunt expertly, considering that this was very likely his first experience at it. His tongue was warm and wet in the right way on the right spot. As I kissed and lightly sucked his prick, I could feel small spasms occurring within me. I knew these were merely previews to the wild climax I would be having soon.

As we sucked and licked each other's cock and cunt, I slowly lowered my haunches completely so that I was sitting flush on his face, smothering him with my randy, pulsating gash. I could tell by the way he redoubled his licking and teasing and tongue action that he loved it. I moved my hips in a sensuous circular motion and expanded and contracted my stomach muscles so that my cunt would breathe in his face, and suck the spit from his drooling mouth.

Finally, I was worked up to a fever pitch and could stand waiting no longer. I had to fuck! I had to have his cock pumping away inside my cunt. Fortunately, it was once again as hard as a rock, thanks to my inventive playing with it and my searing cunt in his face. I got off him and flopped on to my back with my legs bent at the knees and as far apart as I could spread them, my smoldering slobbering cunt crying to be fucked.

Jeff mounted me. He had trouble finding my hole, but I wrapped my hand around that steel cock of his and expertly guided it into my hungry snatch, instantly tightening my cunt muscles so that he was locked in. I breathed a sigh of relief as he started moving his prick back and forth in me. It was harder than steel and hotter than fire. I felt like it was going to split me in two as he pumped me more and more furiously and my ass rolled recklessly as his dick rubbed the walls of my viselike cunt.

"Oh, God!" I cried. "Fuck me! Fuck me harder!"

He responded by pumping even harder in me, his stiff prick causing unbelievable friction in all the right places.

"That's the way," I moaned. "Keep your cock going inside of me! Give it to me, please, I've got to have every inch of it! Oooooh, that's good!" I cried as be went even deeper into my throbbing cunt.

Increasing the ante, I slid my hand between the tangle of our bodies and began to squeeze his balls. I wanted him to really explode! I wanted every drop of cum he had to be sucked up by my ravenous cunt.

Then I felt he was ready, and so was I. His breathing became labored. He penetrated even further as he grabbed me by the cheeks of my ass and pulled my body even closer to his. I could feel his cock choking with jism ready to explode. Just when I sensed he was going to blow, I stabbed my finger to the knuckle up his asshole, and with that an onslaught of cum flowed into my cunt. The orgasm was like a blinding flash, taking me to the edge of unconsciousness and back again several times.

When it was over we lay side by side for a while, our bodies glistening with perspiration, cum, and cunt juice. Finally, I reached over and kissed him, and got up and went into the bathroom and took a shower. It was reluctantly that I washed his wonderful jism from my cunt. After I was finished showering, I went to my bedroom and dressed. When I came back into the living room he was sitting on the couch with his pants and shirt on, pulling on his sneakers.

"You want something to eat?" he asked boyishly.

"That would be great," I said, "I'm starved."