"A Quiet Vendetta" - читать интересную книгу автора (Ellory R. J.)AUTHOR’S NOTEThis is a work of fiction. Irrespective of the fact that it is set against historical events and amidst people whose names you will recognize, it is nevertheless a work of fiction. Where actual events have been modified, or perhaps a sequence changed, this was done only to facilitate the telling of the story. Many of the people herein are long-since dead, and perhaps the world is a better place for it, but they populated my life for some weeks, and in their own way gave generously of themselves. Some of them were funny, some of them disturbing, others just downright crazy. Regardless they came and went, they made their mark, and I acknowledge them for their contribution. It has been said that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts, and perhaps in collating and binding these parts together I have made errors. For this I assume complete responsibility, but also plead an element of mitigating circumstance: I was in bad company at the time. The Author Approaching death, as we think, the death of love, no distinction, any more suffices to differentiate the particulars of place and condition with which we have been long familiar. All appears as if seen wavering through water. From ‘Asphodel, That Greeny Flower’, Book II William Carlos Williams |