"A Letter" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hume David) Intention, changes entirely the Nature of an external Object, and
even of a human Creature. In fine (says he) as Force is supposed to invalidate all Contracts, such a Principle is a Proof that Promises have no natural Obligation, and are mere artificial Contrivances, for the Conveniency and Advantage of Society." Sum of the Charge. From the preceeding Specimen it will appear, that the Author maintains, 1. Universal Scepticism. See his Assertions, p.458, --470. where he doubts of every Thing (his own Existence excepted) and maintains the Folly of pretending to believe any Thing with Certainty. 2. Principles leading to downright Atheism, by denying the Doctrine of Causes and Effects, p.321, 138, 298, 300, 301, 303, 430, 434, 284. where he maintains, that the Necessity of a Cause to every Beginning of Existence is not founded on any Arguments demonstrative or intuitive. 3. Errors concerning the very Being and Existence of a God. For Instance, Marginal Note, p.172. as to that Proposition, God is, he says (or indeed as to any other Thing which regards "The Idea {18} of Existence is no distinct Idea which we unite with that of the Object, and which is capable of forming a compound Idea by Union." 4. Errors concerning God's being the first Cause, and prime Mover of the Universe: For as to this Principle, That the Deity first created Matter, and gave it its original Impulse, and likewise supports its Existence, he says, "This Opinion is certainly very curious, but it will appear superfluous to examine it in this Place, &c." 5. He is chargable with denying the Immateriality of the Soul, and the Consequences flowing from this Denial, p.431, 4, 418, 419, 423. 6. With sapping the Foundations of Morality, by denying the natural and essential Difference betwixt Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, Justice and Injustice; making the Difference only artificial, and to arise from human Conventions and Compacts, Vol. 2. p.5, 19, 128, 41, 43, 48, 69, 70, 73, 4, 44. [Observations] |
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