"willia~2" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hodgson William Hope)

way of illustration. "What do you mean?" I asked, growing more and more
astonished. "Why not safe? Where are you?"
He had his first short fiction
success in 1905 with "A tropical I listened for a moment; but there came no answer. And then, a
horror", one of his many stories
of sea-encounters with The sudden indefinite suspicion, of I knew not what, coming to me, I
Weird. stepped swiftly to the binnacle, and took out the lighted lamp. At
the same time, I knocked on the deck with my heel to waken
Hodgson's short stories were Will. Then I was back at the side, throwing the yellow funnel of
popular successes, but he light out into the silent immensity beyond our rail. As I did so, I
achieved only critical successes
with his novels like The boats of heard a slight, muffled cry, and then the sound of a splash as
the "Glen Carrig" (1907), The though someone had dipped oars abruptly. Yet I cannot say that I
house on the borderland (1908), saw anything with certainty; save, it seemed to me, that with the
and The ghost pirates (1909). first flash of the light, there had been something upon the waters,
Starting in 1910, he wrote the where now there was nothing.
Carnacki stories for The Idler
magazine whose editors greatly "Hullo, there!" I called. "What foolery is this!'
appreciated his work. Six were
collected into Carnacki the But there came only the indistinct sounds of a boat being pulled
ghost-finder. Following popular away into the night.
tradition, they were re-edited to
appear as chapters in a Then I heard Will's voice, from the direction of the after scuttle:
continuing novel.
"What's up, George?"
Modern critics complain of an
uneven quality in the stories and "Come here, Will!" I said.
suggest that he was just
knocking them off to support "What is it?" he asked, coming across the deck.
himself while writing his epic,
The nightland (1912). Again, I told him the queer thing which had happened. He put several
despite critical enthusiasm, his
epic was a financial failure so he questions; then, after a moment's silence, he raised his hands to
chose not to write another novel. his lips, and hailed:
In his stories and novels, he is "Boat, ahoy!"
especially praised for conveying
the protagonist's horror and for From a long distance away there came back to us a faint reply,
sustaining a sense of threat. and my companion repeated his call. Presently, after a short
Living in the south of France at period of silence, there grew on our hearing the muffled sound of
the outbreak of WWI, he oars; at which Will hailed again.

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