"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 08 - A Time Of Justice" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

The two men stared at each other for a long moment; then Enj held out his hand. Rhodry shook it. His
mouth set hard against mourning, Enj returned to watching flames dance along logs.

Rhodry's heavy sword belt lay beside him on the ground. He pulled a dagger free of its sheath and began
fiddling with it, polishing the narrow blade on his sleeve holding it up to catch the light. When he flicked it
with a thumbnail, the blade rang like silver, though it was as hard as steel. The dragon's coppery eye
followed every glint.

Their camp lay in a broad valley where a river flowed through scattered pines and high grass. All round
rose the mountains of the Roof of the World, in those days untrod and unsettled by either dwarf or man.
Framing the valley, hills climbed, dark with trees, while beyond them rose the high peaks, their perpetual
snow gleaming a faint silver in the light from the overarching stars. Down from the foothills the night wind
brought them the sound of wolves howling on the hunt. Arzosah raised her massive head to listen.

тАШThey're moving away from us,' she remarked. 'I do wish you'd sheathe that knife, Rori, It's driving me
daft, watching you play with it.'

He smiled and closed one broad hand around its hilt.
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'You know,' she went on, 'if you need someone to hate, you could blame Evandar. I do.'

'For what? The vanishing of Haen Marn?'

'Nah nah nah. What do I care about your stupid island? It wasn't my home. I blame him for the troubling
of me.'

'I should have known.' Rhodry translated this exchange for the puzzled Enj, then turned back to her.
'Well, if he hadn't given me this little ring, you'd be all nice and snug, sure enough, lolling round in your fire
mountain and chewing on a cow bone or two.'

'Don't mock! It's bad enough you've enslaved me. Don't mock me, too.'

'Watch your courtesies when you speak to me.'

She whined, rolling an enormous copper eye to the stars. He held up his hand to catch the firelight on the

'My apologies,' she said. 'You're a harsh man, Rhodry Dragon-master. '

'I intend to stay that way and stay alive.'

She whined again, flopping her head onto her paws. He glanced at Enj to find him utterly expressionless.

'We should turn in,' Rhodry said. "Hunk you can sleep?'