"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

quickly to starboard and dove, clearing the exploding TIE's blast radius.
"You still with me, Eight?"
Nawara Yen's voice came back a little less calm than Tycho would have wanted.
"With you, Seven, just barely."
"New flight, Eight, then our second run on the Lusankya. You take lead."
"As ordered, Seven."
Tycho throttled back a bit to let Nawara Ven pass him, then he sideslipped to
the left and took up a position in Nawara's port aft arc. Coming back off the
first run on the Super Star Destroyer, the X-wings had boiled into the fourth
TIE flight. Between them and the Twi'lek Chir'daki, the TIEs never had a chance.
As they closed on the fifth flight, it lost unit cohesion as four of the pilots
pulled away and headed back toward the incoming Interceptors.
"Only eight out there, Nawara. Choose your target care-fully."
"Got one in mind, Seven." Nawara's X-wing remained straight and level as it
raced in toward the TIEs.
Tycho began to wince. Head-to-head is usually a winner for us, but it burns some
shields. In this environment, I'm not so sure that's wise.
Nawara's X-wing snap-rolled up onto the starboard sta-bilizer foils, then fired
four dual bursts of lasers at its target. The first two missed wide, as did the
TIE's return fire, but the last two hit the TIE dead on. Two of the bolts
sheered the starboard solar panel in half while the other two peeled back the
flesh of the cockpit. The TIE started a crazy tumble through space, and suddenly
Tycho found himself through the line of TIEs and clear to run on the Lusankya.
"Lead, Seven and Eight are going in."
"I copy, Seven."
Tycho rolled left to give Nawara more room, then put his ship into a weave.
Coming in at the Lusankya from the front, he dropped his aiming reticle on the
blackened portion of the ship's bow. Guttering flames indicated places where the
ship was leaking atmosphere. Tycho picked a particularly bright torch as his aim
point. He shifted over to missiles and imme-diately got a keening target lock
tone from his astromech. Seconds later he got a red light from his telemetry
"Double-lock for Seven. Two away." He pulled the trig-ger, sending two proton
torpedoes streaking on jets of blue
flame at the Lusankya. From all around the larger ship other blue lights
suddenly ignited and began to cruise in toward the point Tycho had targeted.
From the very beginning of their operations, Wedge and Tycho had agreed that the
only way they could defeat the Lusankya was to overwhelm it with proton
torpedoes and concussion missiles. The problem they had was that to do the job
correctly they would require twelve or more X-wing squadrons-squadrons they
didn't have. Taking a lesson from the conquest of Coruscant, they decided that
freighters equipped with launchers and missiles would give them the launching
platforms they needed. By slaving the freighters' missiles to the X-wing
telemetry, they eliminated the need for target acquisition sensors on the
freighters-the use of which would have immediately designated the freighters as
targets for the Lusankya.
To prevent anyone from figuring out their strategy, Wedge had Booster buy
launchers, munitions, and sensor units from Talon Karrde. Reluctant to buy
something and not use it, Booster hooked the sensors up to the station, noting
that just lighting them up would be enough to make even the Lusankya think twice