"The Canterville Ghost" - читать интересную книгу автора (Wilde Oscar)


About ten minutes later (примерно через десять минут) the bell rang for tea (прозвенел колокольчик к чаю; to ring), and, as Virginia did not come down (и, так как Вирджиния не спустилась вниз), Mrs. Otis sent up one of the footmen to tell her (миссис Отис послала одного из лакеев наверх за ней: «сказать ей»). After a little time he returned (через некоторое время он вернулся) and said that he could not find Miss Virginia anywhere (и сказал, что он нигде не смог найти мисс Вирджинию). As she was in the habit of going out to the garden every evening (так как у нее была привычка выходить в сад каждый вечер; to be in the habit — иметь привычку) to get flowers for the dinner-table (чтобы собрать цветы для обеденного стола), Mrs. Otis was not at all alarmed at first (сначала не была встревожена), but when six o'clock struck (но когда часы пробили шесть часов), and Virginia did not appear (а Вирджиния не возвратилась), she became really agitated (она действительно разволновалась), and sent the boys out to look for her (и послала мальчиков разыскать ее), while she herself and Mr. Otis searched every room in the house (в то время как она сама и мистер Отис обыскали каждую комнату в доме).

footmen [`fυtmən] agitated [`ædζiteitid] searched [sə:t∫t]

About ten minutes later, the bell rang for tea, and, as Virginia did not come down, Mrs. Otis sent up one of the footmen to tell her. After a little time he returned and said that he could not find Miss Virginia anywhere. As she was in the habit of going out to the garden every evening to get flowers for the dinner-table, Mrs. Otis was not at all alarmed at first, but when six o'clock struck, and Virginia did not appear, she became really agitated, and sent the boys out to look for her, while she herself and Mr. Otis searched every room in the house.

At half-past six the boys came back (в половине седьмого мальчики вернулись) and said that they could find no trace of their sister anywhere (что они нигде не смогли найти ни единого следа сестры). They were all now in the greatest state of excitement (все они находились в состоянии исключительного волнения), and did not know what to do (и не знали, что делать), when Mr. Otis suddenly remembered (когда мистер Отис внезапно вспомнил), that some few days before (что несколько дней назад), he had given a band of gypsies permission to camp in the park (он разрешил цыганскому табору разбить лагерь в парке; to give permission — разрешить, дать разрешение). He accordingly at once set off for Blacknell Hollow (он, соответственно, тут же отправился в лощину Блэкнелл), where he knew they were (где, как ему было известно, они должны были находиться: «где, /как/ он знал, они находились»), accompanied by his eldest son and two of the farm-servants (в сопровождении своего старшего сына и двух слуг с фермы).

excitement [ik`satment] gypsies [`dζipsiz] permission [pə`mi∫n]

At half-past six the boys came back and said that they could find no trace of their sister. They were all now in the greatest state of excitement, and did not know what to do, when Mr. Otis suddenly remembered, that some days before he had given a band of gypsies permission to camp in the park. He accordingly at once set off for Blacknell Hollow, where he knew they were, accompanied by his eldest son and two of the farm-servants.

The little Duke of Cheshire (молодой герцог Чеширский), who was perfectly frantic with anxiety (который был абсолютно вне себя от беспокойства; frantic — безумный, неистовый, яростный), begged hard to be allowed to go too (умолял, чтобы ему тоже разрешили поехать), but Mr. Otis would not allow him (но мистер Отис не позволил ему), as he was afraid there might be a scuffle (так как он боялся, что там могла быть потасовка). On arriving at the spot, however (однако, прибыв на место), he found that the gypsies had gone (он обнаружил, что цыгане ушли), and it was evident that their departure had been rather sudden (и было очевидно, что их уход был довольно внезапным), as the fire was still burning (так как костер все еще горел), and some plates were lying on the grass (и на траве лежало несколько тарелок).

anxiety [æŋ`zαiəti] allow [ə`lαυ] departure [di`pα:t∫ə]

The little Duke of Cheshire, who was perfectly frantic with anxiety, begged hard to be allowed to go too, but Mr. Otis would not allow him, as he was afraid there might be a scuffle. On arriving at a sport, however, he found that the gypsies had gone, and it was evident that their departure had been rather sudden, as the fire was still burning, and some plates were lying on the grass.

Having sent off Washington and the two men to scour the district (отправив Вашингтона и двух мужчин осмотреть местность; to scour — чистить, отчищать; оттирать, отдраивать; отскабливать; рыскать, бегать /в поисках чего-л., кого-л./), he ran home (он побежал домой), and despatched telegrams to all the police inspectors in the county (и отправил телеграммы всем полицейским инспекторам графства), telling them to look out for a little girl (приказав им искать маленькую девочку), who had been kidnapped by tramps or gypsies (которая была похищена бродягами или цыганами). He then ordered his horse to be brought round (он затем приказал привести его лошадь), and, after insisting on his wife and the three boys sitting down to dinner (и, настояв на том, чтобы его жена и три мальчика сели обедать), rode off down the Ascot road with a groom (поскакал вниз по дороге на Эскот с конюхом; to ride off).

scour [skαυə] groom [grυm] dispatch [dis`pæt∫]

Having sent off Washington and the two men to scour the district, he ran home, and despatched telegrams to all the police inspectors in the county, telling them to look out for a little girl who had been kidnapped by tramps or gypsies. He than ordered his horse to be brought round, and, after insisting on his wife and the three boys sitting down to dinner, rode off down the Ascot road with a groom.

He had hardly, however, gone a couple of miles (однако, не успел он проскакать и пары миль), when he heard somebody galloping after him (когда он услышал, /что/ кто-то скачет галопом вслед за ним), and, looking round (и, оглянувшись назад), saw the little Duke (увидел молодого герцога), coming up on his pony (подъезжающего к нему на своем пони) with his face very flushed (с сильно раскрасневшимся лицом), and no hat (и без шляпы). "I'm awfully sorry, Mr. Otis (я очень сожалею)," gasped out the boy (произнес юноша, задыхаясь), "but I can't eat any dinner as long as Virginia is lost (но я не могу обедать, пока не найдется Вирджиния). Please don't be angry with me (пожалуйста, не сердитесь на меня); if you had let us be engaged last year (если бы вы разрешили нам помолвку в прошлом году; to be engaged — быть помолвленным), there would never have been all this trouble (этой беды не случилось бы). You won't send me back, will you (вы не отошлете меня назад, не правда ли)? I can't go! I won't go! (я не могу уехать! я не уеду!)"

gallop [`gæləp] flushed [`flλ∫t] gasp [gα:sp]

He had hardly, however, gone a couple of miles, when he heard somebody galloping after him, and, looking round, saw the little Duke coming up on his pony with his face very flushed, and no hat. “I’m awfully sorry, Mr. Otis,” gasped the boy, “but I can’t eat any dinner as long as Virginia is lost. Please don’t be angry with me; if you had let us be engaged last year, there would never had been all this trouble. You won’t send me back, will you? I can’t go! I won’t go!

The Minister could not help smiling at the handsome young scapegrace (посол не мог сдержать улыбки /при виде/ красивого молодого сорванца), and was a good deal touched at his devotion to Virginia (и был весьма тронут его преданностью Вирджинии), so leaning down from his horse (и поэтому, наклонившись /c лошади/), he patted him kindly on the shoulders (он добродушно похлопал его по плечу; shoulders — плечи), and said, "Well, Cecil, if you won't go back (хорошо, Сесиль, если ты не хочешь возвращаться), I suppose you must come with me (я думаю, ты должен поехать со мной), but I must get you a hat at Ascot (но я должен купить тебе шляпу в Эскоте).

touch [tλt∫] devotion [di`vəυ∫n] shoulder [`∫əυldə]

The Minister could not help smiling at the handsome young scapegrace, and was a good deal touched at his devotion to Virginia, so leaning down from his horse, he patted him kindly on the shoulders, and said, "Well, Cecil, if you won't go back, I suppose you must come with me, but I must get you a hat at Ascot."

"Oh, bother my hat! I want Virginia (о, Бог с ней, со шляпой)!" cried the little Duke (воскликнул молодой герцог), laughing (смеясь), and they galloped on to the railway station (и они понеслись галопом к железнодорожной станции). There Mr. Otis inquired of the station-master (там мистер Отис спросил начальника станции) if any one answering to the description of Virginia had been seen on the platform (не появлялся ли кто-либо, похожий по описанию на Вирджинию), but could get no news of her (но он не узнал о ней ничего нового; to get no news — не получить никаких новостей). The station-master, however, wired up and down the line (однако начальник станции телеграфировал во все концы), and assured him that a strict watch would be kept for her (и уверил его, что будет установлена строжайшая слежка с целью найти ее), and, after having bought a hat for the little Duke from a linen-draper (и, купив для молодого герцога шляпу у торговца льняными товарами), who was just putting up his shutters (который уже закрывал ставни; to put up — поднимать), Mr. Otis rode off to Bexley (мистер Отис отправился в Бексли), a village about four miles away (деревню, находящуюся примерно в пяти милях /от них/), which he was told was a well-known haunt of the gypsies (которая, как ему сказали, была известным местом пребывания цыган), as there was a large common next to it (так как рядом с ней находился большой луг/выгон).

inquire [in`kwαiə] wired [`waiəd] linen-draper [`linin"dreipə]

"Oh, bother my hat! I want Virginia!" cried the little Duke, laughing, and they galloped on to the railway station. There Mr. Otis inquired of the station-master if any one answering to the description of Virginia had been seen on the platform, but could get no news of her. The station-master, however, wired up and down the line, and assured him that a strict watch would be kept for her, and, after having bought a hat for the little Duke from a linen-draper, who was just putting up his shutters, Mr. Otis rode off to Bexley, a village about four miles away, which he was told was a well-known haunt of the gypsies, as there was a large common next to it.

Here they roused up the rural policeman (там они разбудили местного полицейского), but could get no information from him (но не смогли получить от него никакой информации), and, after riding all over the common (и, проехав весь луг), they turned their horses' heads homewards (они повернули своих лошадей домой: «по направлению к дому»), and reached the Chase about eleven o'clock (и добрались до Кентервиль Чейза около одиннадцати часов), dead-tired and almost heart-broken (смертельно усталые и убитые горем; heart-broken — «с разбитым сердцем»). They found Washington and the twins waiting for them at the gate-house with lanterns (они нашли Вашингтона и близнецов возле сторожки, где они ждали их с фонарями), as the avenue was very dark (так как дорога была очень темной). Not the slightest trace of Virginia had been discovered (ни малейшего следа Вирджинии не было найдено; to discover — обнаруживать, раскрывать; to cover — покрывать).

rouse [rαυz] rural [`rυərəl] policeman [pə`li:smən]

Here they roused up the rural policeman, but could get no information from him, and, after riding all over the common, they turned their horses' heads homewards, and reached the Chase about eleven o'clock, dead-tired and almost heart-broken. They found Washington and the twins waiting for them at the gate-house with lanterns, as the avenue was very dark. Not the slightest trace of Virginia had been discovered.

The gypsies had been caught on Brockley meadows (цыгане были пойманы на лугах Брокли), but she was not with them (но ее с ними не было), and they had explained their sudden departure (и они объяснили свой внезапный отъезд) by saying that they had mistaken the date of Chorton Fair (сказав, что они перепутали дату ярмарки в Чортоне), and had gone off in a hurry for fear they should be late (и отбыли в спешке из-за боязни опоздать). Indeed, they had been quite distressed at hearing of Virginia's disappearance (на самом деле, они были весьма расстроены, услышав о пропаже Вирджинии), as they were very grateful to Mr.Otis (так как они были очень благодарны мистеру Отису) for having allowed them to camp in his park (за то, что он разрешил им разбить лагерь в парке) and four of their number had stayed behind to help in the search (и четверо из них осталось, чтобы помочь в поисках). The carp-pond had been dragged (пруд с карпами был обшарен), and the whole Chase thoroughly gone over (и вся усадьба была тщательно осмотрена), but without any result (но безрезультатно: «без какого-либо результата»).

mistaken [mis`teikn] fair [fεə] thoroughly [`θλrəli]

The gypsies had been caught on Brockley meadows, but she was not with them, and they had explained their sudden departure by saying that they had mistaken the date of Chorton Fair, and had gone off in a hurry for fear they should be late. Indeed, they had been quite distressed at hearing of Virginia's disappearance, as they were very grateful to Mr. Otis for having allowed them to camp in his park, and four of their number had stayed behind to help in the search. The carp-pond had been dragged, and the whole Chase thoroughly gone over, but without any result.

It was evident (было очевидно), that, for that night at any rate (что, по крайней мере, в эту ночь), Virginia was lost to them (Вирджинию они не найдут: «Вирджиния была потеряна для них»; to lose — терять, утрачивать); and it was in a state of the deepest depression that Mr. Otis and the boys walked up to the house (и мистер Отис, и мальчики подошли к дому в состоянии глубочайшей депрессии), the groom following behind with the two horses and the pony (и за ними последовал конюх с двумя лошадями и пони). In the hall they found a group of frightened servants (в зале они обнаружили группу испуганных слуг), and lying on a sofa in the library was poor Mrs. Otis (и на диване в библиотеке лежала бедная миссис Отис), almost out of her mind with terror and anxiety (почти без ума от ужаса и волнения), and having her forehead bathed with eau de Cologne by the old housekeeper (и ее лоб был смочен одеколоном с помощью старой экономки). Mr. Otis at once insisted on her having something to eat (мистер Отис сразу же потребовал, чтобы она что-нибудь съела), and ordered up supper for the whole party (и заказал обед для всех присутствующих; party — отряд, команда; группа, партия; компания).

evident [`evidənt] bathed [beiðd] eau de Cologne [`əυdekə`ləυn]

It was evident that, for that night at any rate, Virginia was lost to them; and it was in a state of the deepest depression that Mr. Otis and the boys walked up to the house, the groom following behind with the two horses and the pony. In the hall they found a group of frightened servants, and lying on a sofa in the library was poor Mrs. Otis, almost out of her mind with terror and anxiety, and having her forehead bathed with eau de Cologne by the old housekeeper. Mr. Otis at once insisted on her having something to eat, and ordered supper for the whole party.

It was a melancholy meal (это была грустная трапеза), as hardly anyone spoke (так как почти никто не разговаривал), and even the twins were awestruck and subdued (и даже близнецы были охвачены благоговейным страхом и подавлены; awe — /благоговейный/ страх, трепет; to strike — ударять, бить; поражать), as they were fond of their sister (так как они любили свою сестру). When they had finished (когда они закончили /ужин/), Mr. Otis, in spite of the entreaties of the little Duke (несмотря на просьбы/мольбы молодого герцога; to entreat — умолять) ordered them all to bed (приказал им всем отправляться спать), saying that nothing more could be done that night (сказав, что ничто больше не могло было быть сделано этой ночью), and that he would telegraph in the morning to Scotland Yard (и что утром он телеграфирует в Скотланд Ярд {Scotland Yard — главное управление лондонской полиции}) for some detectives to be sent down immediately (чтобы им немедленно прислали несколько детективов).

melancholy [`melənkəli] meal [mi:l] awestruck [`o:strλk]

It was a melancholy meal, as hardly anyone spoke, and even the twins were awestruck and subdued, as they were fond of their sister. When they had finished, Mr. Otis, in spite of the entreaties of the little Duke, ordered them all to bed, saying that nothing more could be done that night, and that he would telegraph in the morning to Scotland Yard for some detectives to be sent down immediately.

Just as they were passing out of the dining-room (как раз в тот момент, когда они выходили из столовой), midnight began to boom from the clock tower (часы на башне пробили полночь), and when the last stroke sounded (и когда прозвучал последний удар) they heard a crash and a sudden shrill cry (они услышали треск и неожиданный резкий крик; to hear); a dreadful peal of thunder shook the house (ужасный раскат грома потряс дом; to shake), a strain of unearthly music floated through the air (звуки неземной музыки раздались в воздухе; to float — плавать), a panel at the top of the staircase flew back with a loud noise (панель на верху лестницы распахнулась с громким стуком; noise — шум; to fly back — распахнуться: «отлететь назад»), and out on the landing (и на лестничную площадку), looking very pale and white (очень бледная: «выглядящая очень бледной»; white — белый; бледный), with a little casket in her hand (с маленькой шкатулкой в руке), stepped Virginia (вышла: «выступила» Вирджиния). In a moment they had all rushed up to her (все тут же бросились к ней). Mrs. Otis clasped her passionately in her arms (миссис Отис заключила ее в пылкие объятья; to clasp — обнимать; passionately — пылко, страстно; arms — руки), the Duke smothered her with violent kisses (герцог чуть не задушил ее страстными поцелуями; to smother — душить, задушить; покрывать, окутывать), and the twins executed a wild war-dances round the group (а близнецы исполнили дикий воинственный танец вокруг всех собравшихся; group — группа).

unearthly [λn`ə:θli] float [fləυt] casket [`kα:skit]

Just as they were passing out of the dining-room, midnight began to boom from the clock tower, and when the last stroke sounded they heard a crash and a sudden shrill cry; a dreadful peal of thunder shook the house, a strain of unearthly music floated through the air, a panel at the top of the staircase flew back with a loud noise, and out on the landing, looking very pale and white, with a little casket in her hand, stepped Virginia. In a moment they had all rushed up to her. Mrs. Otis clasped her passionately in her arms, the Duke smothered her with violent kisses, and the twins executed a wild war-dance round the group.

"Good heavens (Боже мой)! child, where have you been (дитя, где ты была)?" said Mr. Otis, rather angrily (довольно сердито; anger — гнев; раздражение), thinking that she had been playing some foolish trick on them (думая, что она сыграла с ними какую-то глупую шутку). "Cecil and I have been riding all over the country looking for you (Сесиль и я объездили всю округу в поисках тебя; the country — /данная/ сельская местность), and your mother has been frightened to death (а твоя мать напугалась: «была напугана» до смерти). You must never play these practical jokes any more (ты не должна никогда больше так шутить; practical joke — /грубая/ шутка /сыгранная с кем-л./, розыгрыш)."

heavens [`hevnz] rather [`rα:ðə] angrily [`æŋgrili]

"Good heavens! child, where have you been?" said Mr. Otis, rather angrily, thinking that she had been playing some foolish trick on them. "Cecil and I have been riding all over the country looking for you, and your mother has been frightened to death. You must never play these practical jokes any more."

"Except on the Ghost (только над привидением; except — кроме)! except on the Ghost!" shrieked the twins (завопили близнецы), as they capered about (прыгая вокруг /них/).

"My own darling (моя дорогая), thank God you are found (слава Богу, что ты нашлась); you must never leave my side again (ты никогда больше не должна отходить от меня; to leave — оставлять, покидать; side — сторона, бок; again — снова)," murmured Mrs. Otis (пробормотала миссис Отис), as she kissed the trembling child (в то время как она целовала дрожащую девочку; child — дитя, ребенок), and smoothed the tangled gold of her hair (и приглаживала ее спутанные золотистые волосы: «спутанное золото ее волос»).

smooth [smu:ð] child [t∫αild] gold [gəυld]

"Except on the Ghost! except on the Ghost!" shrieked the twins, as they capered about.

"My own darling, thank God you are found; you must never leave my side again," murmured Mrs. Otis, as she kissed the trembling child, and smoothed the tangled gold of her hair.

"Papa (папа)," said Virginia, quietly (спокойно), "I have been with the Ghost (я находилась с призраком). He is dead (он умер), and you must come and see him (и вы должны пойти и посмотреть на него). He had been very wicked (он был очень безнравственным/злым), but he was really sorry for all that he had done (но он действительно пожалел о том, что он совершил), and he gave me this box of beautiful jewels before he died (и он дал мне эту шкатулку с прекрасными драгоценностями, перед тем как умер)."

dead [ded] jewels [dζυəlz] died [dαid]

"Papa," said Virginia, quietly, "I have been with the Ghost. He is dead, and you must come and see him. He had been very wicked, but he was really sorry for all that he had done, and he gave me this box of beautiful jewels before he died."

The whole family gazed at her in mute amazement (вся семья смотрела на нее в немом изумлении), but she was quite grave and serious (но она была совершенно серьезной); and, turning round (и, повернувшись), she led them through the opening in the wainscoting down a narrow secret corridor (она провела их через отверстие в панели в узкий потайной коридор; to lead), Washington following with a lighted candle (Вашингтон последовал за ней с зажженной свечой), which he had caught up from the table (которую он схватил со стола).

whole [həυl] narrow [`nærəυ] secret [`si:krit]

The whole family gazed at her in mute amazement, but she was quite grave and serious; and, turning round, she led them through the opening in the wainscoting down a narrow secret corridor, Washington following with a lighted candle, which he had caught up from the table.

Finally, they came to a great oak door (наконец они подошли к большой дубовой двери), studded with rusty nails (обитой ржавыми гвоздями). When Virginia touched it (когда Вирджиния дотронулась до нее), it swung back on its heavy hinges (она распахнулась на своих тяжелых петлях; to swing — качаться, колебаться; совершать стремительные круговые движения), and they found themselves in a little low room (и они оказались в маленькой низкой комнате; to find oneself — оказаться: «обнаружить себя»), with a vaulted ceiling (с куполообразным потолком; vault — свод), and one tiny grated window (и одним крошечным окном, забранным решеткой). Imbedded in the wall was a huge iron ring (в стену было вделано огромное железное кольцо), and chained to it was a gaunt skeleton (и к нему был прикован скелет очень изможденного человека; gaunt — худой, тощий), that was stretched out at full length on the stone floor (который лежал распростертый на каменном полу; at full length: «в полную длину”), and seemed to be trying to grasp with its long fleshless fingers an old-fashioned trencher and ewer (и, казалось, пытался схватить своими длинными, бесплотными пальцами старинную доску для резки хлеба/поднос и кувшин) that were placed just out of its reach (которые были расположены вне досягаемости /от него/).

vaulted [`vo:ltid] ceiling [`si:liŋ] gaunt [go:nt] ewer [jυə]

Finally, they came to a great oak door, studded with rusty nails. When Virginia touched it, it swung back on its heavy hinges, and they found themselves in a little low room, with a vaulted ceiling, and one tiny grated window. Imbedded in the wall was a huge iron ring, and chained to it was a gaunt skeleton, that was stretched out at full length on the stone floor, and seemed to be trying to grasp with its long fleshless fingers an old-fashioned trencher and ewer, that were placed just out of its reach.


The jug had evidently been once filled with water (кувшин был очевидно когда-то наполнен водой), as it was covered inside with green mould (так как внутри он был покрыт зеленой плесенью). There was nothing on the trencher but a pile of dust (на доске для резки хлеба не было ничего, кроме кучки пыли). Virginia knelt down beside the skeleton (Вирджиния встала на колени возле скелета; to kneel — преклонять колени, становиться на колени), and, folding her little hands together (и, сложив руки вместе), began to pray silently (начала беззвучно молиться), while the rest of the party looked on in wonder at the terrible tragedy (в то время как все остальные смотрели с удивлением на ужасную трагедию) whose secret was now disclosed to them (секрет которой был теперь раскрыт для них).

mould [məυld] wonder [`wλndə] tragedy [`trædζidi]

The jug had evidently been once filled with water, as it was covered inside with green mould. There was nothing on the trencher but a pile of dust. Virginia knelt down beside the skeleton, and, folding her little hands together, began to pray silently, while the rest of the party looked on in wonder at the terrible tragedy whose secret was now disclosed to them.

"Hallo (привет)!" suddenly exclaimed one of the twins (внезапно воскликнул один из близнецов), who had been looking out of the window (который смотрел в окно) to try and discover in what wing of the house the room was situated (пытаясь определить, в каком крыле дома находилась комната). "Hallo! the old withered almond-tree has blossomed (старое засохшее миндальное дерево расцвело). I can see the flowers quite plainly in the moonlight (я вижу: «могу видеть» цветы вполне отчетливо при свете луны)."

discover [dis`kλvə] situated [`sitju:eitid] withered [`wiðəd]

"Hallo!" suddenly exclaimed one of the twins, who had been looking out of the window to try and discover in what wing of the house the room was situated. "Hallo! the old withered almond-tree has blossomed. I can see the flowers quite plainly in the moonlight."

"God has forgiven him (Бог простил его; to forgive)," said Virginia, gravely (серьезно), as she rose to her feet (в то время как она поднималась с колен = поднимаясь с колен; to rise), and a beautiful light seemed to illumine her face (и казалось, лучезарный свет осветил ее лицо; beautiful — прекрасный).

“What an angel you are (какой ты ангел)!” cried the young Duke (воскликнул молодой герцог), and he put his arm round her neck (и, обняв ее рукой за шею; to put — положить, поместить), and kissed her (поцеловал ее).

illumine [i`lju:min]

"God has forgiven him," said Virginia, gravely, as she rose to her feet, and a beautiful light seemed to illumine her face.

“What an angel you are!” cried the young Duke, and he put his arm round her neck, and kissed her.