"Swap Talk" - читать интересную книгу автора (Thirdwall Robert)

Chapter 4

As I said, at the time of our first party, I was pretty oblivious of anyone's feelings or actions but my own. But as time went on, I became more aware. We four couples saw each other frequently and had some wonderful times. We'd go to the lake near P. for picnics. The girls would wear their skimpiest bikinis, and we'd play volleyball to make their tits come out. Since we sailed to the far side of the lake on Frank's boat, we enjoyed considerable privacy, not enough for nudity but enough for anything else.

Marie's bathing suit always turned me on in particular. It was a bikini, but instead of being made of thick elastic cloth with builtin bra cups, it was made of a soft, white silky material. It covered the proper areas, but it hung rather loosely. And when it got wet, it clung like crazy. The water would make her nipples stand up, and the bra would cling translucently to them. Below, her black triangle would show so you could almost see the separate hairs.

At night we'd make a fire and roast hot dogs and that sort of thing. Then we'd pair off around the fire and fuck and suck to our hearts' content. Finally we'd sail back in the moonlight.

Judy liked to lie on her back on the bow with her legs spread along the gunwales. If no other boats were out, she would take her suit off, and we would admire the moon reflecting on the swells of her breasts and highlighting her silky brown nest. We'd not only admire it: On more than one occasion I put my head between those moonlit legs and tongued the female crack that the silky brown hair crowned. Every time I did that, I would turn around when I had brought her off, and my heart would thrill at seeing Frank with one hand on the tiller and the other deep in my darling Helen's suit, fingering her slit.

I don't think I will ever get over that thrill I get from seeing my wife being handled sexually. At first it seemed just like new kicks, but as I have come to empathize more with her sensations while being handled by a man other than her husband and with the other guy's pleasure at feeling up or fucking someone else's wife, I have found the whole complex of sensations profoundly exciting and, surprisingly, satisfying.

What really turned me on to this sensation was the first party we went to held by swingers outside our own group. Frank and Marie had made a contact with this other group somehow, and after they had gone once and had a great time, they suggested that we be invited, too. This wasn't particularly fair to Dave and Judy and Roger and Sue Ann, but we agreed that we'd try to get them included in the future.

Frank warned us that the people in charge of this other group were rich and did things in a very sophisticated way, but even so we weren't prepared for an engraved invitation:

Edward and Penelope Unger Request the company of Robert and Helen Emery at a Privates Party Friday, September 22. RSVP marital tie

Helen chose her clothes with great care from her now rather substantial swinger's wardrobe. She decided on a soft white supermini that came just below crotch level. This was to show off the gorgeous tan she had been building up on her legs and thighs all summer. Beneath it she wore only a pair of openwork net panties. The dress divided at the navel into parts that tapered gradually to straps over her shoulders. Thus, her breasts were covered even if their soft inner curves weren't. Of course if she leaned over, the whole thing fell away.

The host's home was more like an estate, located in an expensive, wooded subdivision of P. His money, it seems, had come by inheritance from his father who founded a drill press factory. Several cars were already parked near the house at the end of the long entrance drive when we arrived. We had deliberately come a little late to avoid being first in an unfamiliar situation.

We were met at the door, to my great surprise, by a stunning, beautiful black girl in a floor length white evening gown. She introduced herself as Monica Marshall, a friend of the Ungers, and said she was delighted that we had come. The name Marshall registered as that of an insurance executive in town, but I promptly forgot about all that when she turned to lead us to the party. What drove the thought out of my mind was the plunging back of Monica's gown which went on and on revealing her smooth dark brown back, narrow waist and tight round buttocks. Only below the buttocks did the dress come together again to form the skirt.

The party room she ushered us into was magnificent. It was built for lounging with soft low furniture, deep pile carpeting and indirect lighting. Through French doors it opened onto a swimming pool with underwater illumination, and the breeze of the Indiansummer night was ideally soothing. There were about eight people in the room when we came in, but we were introduced only to the Ungers, and by the time we had finished chatting with them several more couples had arrived, including Frank and Marie.

Ed Unger was older than we were, about thirtyfive, but his blonde hair, bleached by the sun, and deep tan indicated that in all probability, he was an active outdoorsman. He must have been to maintain his hard, lean figure. Penelope, or Penny, was younger and equally tanned and athleticlooking. Her hair was either dyed platinumblonde, or she wore a wig. Her costume was full, gauzelike hostess pants of cerulean blue with a matching seethrough bolero which darkened and emphasized her saucy, turnedup nipples. She offered me her hand in greeting, and as we chatted and she expressed the hope that we would enjoy the party, she took my hands and pressed them right against her luscious tits. It struck me at the time as being terribly audacious, but when we then parted and I found out from Helen that Ed had slipped beneath her hemline and ever so briefly fingered her slit by way of welcome, I realized that audacity was the order of the evening.

For half an hour or so we all had drinks, mingled and talked. I was too dazzled by the women to do much talking, for I never would have suspected that such clothing was worn outside New York or San Francisco or someplace like that. Seethrough was the general order of the evening, and there was scarcely a single girl whose nipples couldn't be seen either outright or by stationing oneself at the right angle. The girls in minis, like Helen, were soon persuaded to sit on the deceptively low furniture, and none of them had any scruples about keeping her legs together. Since there seemed to be no stigma attached to staring, I made no attempt to keep my eyes from the lace or netcovered cunts thus revealed, that is, when they weren't being covered by someone's roving hand as Helen's was when I glanced her way.

A blonde girl named Alice caught my eye and patted the couch space next to her. I obediently sat down and tried to make small talk, but she made it difficult by sliding lower on the couch and rubbing up against me. The motion pulled her tiny skirt up practically to her navel. A half inch of soft skin was visible above the top of her bikini panties while the panties themselves, a large gauge fishnet of white nylon, served only to restrain the swelling nest of golden hair on her love mound.

"Don't you want to put your hand where it will he warm?" She guided my hand to her crotch, and I brushed my fingers across the fluffy mound. She parted her legs to let my fingers descend to the warm, wet area of her slit. "Ummmm… " she murmured in my ear as I dipped a finger through the net and into the creamy interior, "later on I want to feel your cock in there. Maybe my husband will get it up your wife at the same time."

"Which one is your husband?"

"Over there with Monica."

I looked where she pointed and saw the back of a very thin blackhaired man next to the very naked, blackskinned back of Monica. His hand was sunk between her legs under her bare butt, but his actions didn't seem to be interfering with the conversation they were having with another couple. It gave me a thrill to think as I looked at him that my middle finger was buried to the hilt in the silky vagina of his wife, whom I had just met. Then I thought of the other side of the coin, and looking around me, I found Helen slouched on another couch with her skirt up and her bodice off her shoulders, enjoying the ministrations of a man I had never seen who was sucking her tit and working away between her legs with a hand thrust under her panties.

Suddenly the lights dimmed to almost nothing, and Alice whispered that it was time for the light show which was standard at the Ungers' parties. I had noticed earlier that the walls were curiously bare for such an elegant room, and now the reason became clear.

The three sides of the room not occupied by the French doors to the pool began to flicker with light. A central switchboard somewhere had obviously been programmed to turn on a patterned myriad of colored lights set in the floor and ceiling. At the same time abstract patterns of light were projected onto the walls from hidden movie projectors. Even the guests were lit up irregularly by the ingenious lighting. As we became mesmerized by the effect, the pace of the light changes accelerated and sort of pulsated.

Simultaneously, the projected scenes changed from abstract hardline patterns. to less defined more organic ones. It was hard to tell precisely what was being shown since the colored lights interfered with recognizing patterns. Then the focus became clearer, and dancing, gyrating figures could be seen. As the scene cleared more, the dancers were seen to be nude and the men to have large erections. The pulse of the lighting increased, and the movie switched from one semicloseup to another of people sexually entwined with hands and tongues exploring penises and vaginas. My hand drifted back to Alice's warm crotch as I became more and more absorbed in the show. Her hand, in turn, was gripped around my cock which she had released from my pants.

The pulses of light became both faster and brighter. In addition to the ever larger closeups of cunts and pricks now being projected, I began to see more of the people around the room. This was apparently what I was supposed to be looking at, because at the same time I began to notice a small spotlight concealed in the ceiling came on and highlighted first one then another of the guests.

Following the light, I first saw, for a few seconds, my hostess in ecstasy having her cunt licked out by someone I didn't recognize. Then there was a switch to cute little Marie getting her black bush tongued by a black man I took to be Monica's husband. At this point Alice squirmed her head into my lap and closed her mouth over the bulging red head of my cock. Next in the spotlight was Frank with his enormous prick being gobbled by a girl I didn't know.

Then, just as the erotic load of pulsing lights, carnal visions and Alice's expert tongue were just about to push me over the brink into a tremendous orgasm, the light show suddenly stopped, and the room lights went on again. The effect was shocking on me, and, I supposed, on Helen and anyone else who had never been to such a party before. But the effect was also delightful. At the same time as one was being doused and sobered by the strong lights, one was treated to the sight of a whole room of beautiful people discovered in the midst of sexual delights.

Our hostess was reclining naked on a couch with her long lovely legs twined around the neck of the man who was eating her. Marie had lost only panties, and the hem of her miniskirt lay like a veil across the heat between her legs. Before I could look around for Helen, Ed Unger took the center of the floor, his large cock sticking out and his arm around the neck of and caressing the tit of a pert little girl I had met earlier named Lonnie. He called for attention.

"Now that we've got things underway, I want to interrupt before we get to the main business of the evening in order to introduce Bob and Helen Emery, who are here for the first time. Some of you have already gotten to know them…" This was said with a leer, and I followed his eyes to the couch in the corner where Helen was reclining in the arms of Alice's husband, both of them sans pants, he was fingering her gaping pink slit while she gripped his thick cock. "… but I'd like them to stand up anyway." We each disentangled and arose somewhat shyly.

"As we all know," Ed continued, "no one is allowed to become a fullfledged member of our group without going through an initiation. Now, if Bob and Helen don't want to go through the initiation, they'll have to leave."

He paused and looked at us, but neither of us showed any signs of tuning toward the door.

"All right, then it's time to have their initiation." I was beginning to regret that I had decided to stay as I had no interest in being treated sadistically as I had read about in books. I held my breath, waiting for Ed to announce the nature of the initiation.

"Following our usual procedure, I am passing one hat among the ladies and the other among the guys so that everyone can draw a number." I saw the hats being passed. "Now, if everyone has a number, Penny will announce the winners who can do whatever they like with our initiates."

"Seven and fifteen," came a small voice from the couch where Penny was still being lapped. I looked around to see who the winners were. The two girls with the number seven were Lonnie and a gloriously statuesque girl with dyedblonde hair and a dark brown twat whose name was Maxine. The two men were Jeff, the black, and Ron, who turned out to be the unknown head buried between Penny's legs. Since Ron was Maxine's husband, the four of them were required to pair off Jeff with Maxine and Ron with Lonnie. Between them they decided that the latter couple would handle my initiation and the former Helen's. I was much relieved at seeing the choices since they all four looked like amiable persons and since no one appeared to be rushing out for whips and things, but I was still a bit apprehensive. The couples conferred together and presently decided that Helen would go before me.

Maxine was already naked except for a sweater which she pulled off over her large, heavy tits. She was a tall girl, but she wasn't skinny. Her big globes seemed all the bigger because of a slender waist and diaphragm, and they bounced appealingly as she walked. Jeff, too, disrobed. He was long of limb with flat sinewy muscles, but somewhat to my surprise his penis was not extraordinary. It was fairly long, but it was neither as long nor as thick as Frank Cordoba's monster. Together they approached Helen who looked timid and demure in her white dress, in spite of the fact that in replacing the straps on her shoulders she had kept the halves of the bodice on the outside of her tits so that they hung bare and bronze within the border of white, their hard brownish points just begging to be sucked.

Someone adjusted the lights so that only the center of the room was lit, rather like a stage, while the rest of us remained in the dusk. Maxine and Jeff led Helen to center stage, one at each hand. Helen was beginning to blush, but I knew the blush to be one of enjoyment. They rotated her almost like an inanimate object before the audience, both of them fondling her luscious tits. Jeff sucked briefly on one of her nipples as did Maxine. For the first time it entered my mind that Maxine might be bisexual, for she seemed to be sucking Helen as vigorously as Jeff, if not more so. I asked myself whether Jeff's skin color was going to upset me as he went to work on my wife, and I was reassured to feel no rancor or jealousy. If anything, the thought of the imminent entrance of his long brown prick into her cunt excited me.

Cushions were produced, and the initiators had their victim descend to hands and knees. The shape of her freehanging tits in that posture always stimulated me, and I began to feel the need of something soft and warm and damp to fondle. As I glanced around me, however, I found no one nearby although amorous couples were discernible on the couches. The thought came to mind that I was being deliberately isolated since my own turn would be next.

Jeff and Maxine had arranged Helen very low on her elbows in front with her rear much higher. In that posture her little white skirt covered almost nothing of her buttocks, but Jeff threw it up over her back just the same so that no one was deprived of the sight of her charming rear entrance. The feathery pink inner lips of her cunt, held open by the spread of her shapely tan thighs, was as erotically stimulating as ever, and I longed to stick my own cock between them instead of having to watch Jeff do it.

Rather than mounting her from behind right away, however, Jeff sat down in front of her with his legs apart and presented his long, slender cock to her mouth. Helen took it and started lovingly to massage the swollen head with her tongue and lips. Maxine straddled Helen's back with her long legs and, facing backward, leaned over so her head and shoulders were just over her rump. In this manner she did not block with her body the audience's view of the delicate caresses she now began to bestow on Helen's cunt. With a feminine touch that knew precisely the effect it was producing, she parted Helen's soft lips and stroked them and slithered her fingers around in the gooey exudations, dipping a long finger now and again deep into her vagina. Helen's eyes were shut in delight, but she never stopped sucking Jeff's black cock.

After a couple of minutes of massaging Helen's cunt, Maxine shifted her attention higher and with fingers slippery with cunt juice started to stretch and probe Helen's asshole. In the past I had seen someone stick a finger up someone's ass, and I had even had it done to me once or twice. But I had never seen such delicate care lavished on stimulating that tight orifice. I knew the sensation to be pleasurable, but it had always embarrassed me; so I had never done it to Helen myself. Perhaps it was this that now made the sight of Maxine's long digit sinking deeper and deeper into my wife's ass so thrilling. Had I not been riveted to the sight, I would have found a mate on one of the couches and fucked the daylights out of her. As it was, I could only watch perched on the brink of my own orgasm.

I could hear Helen faintly moaning as Maxine intensified her probing. Her mouth was motionless although still closed over Jeff's prick. Then the two initiators shifted. Jeff stood up, and Maxine slathered his cock with lubrication from a bottle she had magically produced from somewhere. Jeff now stood before Helen's enticing ass, and bending his legs, he lowered his long rod until the tip was pressing against her ready asshole. I could see her body tense as she felt him there and anticipated what he was about to do. I tensed as well. He wasn't kneeling so there was nothing to obstruct my view but the brown dangling bag of balls. Slowly he began to push in. The big head disappeared, producing a small cry from Helen. Then it reappeared and he pushed it in again. This time I could see that Helen was thrusting back on it. Deeper and deeper it went on each slow, slick stroke. Helen was once again moaning as she thrust more and more obviously back upon his impaling prick. When his brown rod was almost entirely buried in her ass, Jeff went to his knees and closed tightly with her from lower thigh to lower back. He was now fucking her in the ass with an even slow pace. He reached around to pull at her dangling tits. Then Maxine joined in. She lay on her back in front of Helen and presented her dark pussy to her lips just as Jeff had earlier offered his prick. Helen didn't hesitate but buried her mouth and nose in it with vigor. I was rapt in the scene I could hardly believe. My beloved wife who but a few months before savored for the first time the tentative creep of another man's fingers inside her panties was almost expiring in delight from being fucked in the ass by a long black prick while simultaneously gobbling the cunt juices of another woman.

Now Jeff had shifted one hand to Helen's clitoris, and her body began tensing toward climax. Suddenly she cried aloud and jerked convulsively. Jeff, too, had climaxed and with crashing thrusts was jetting his sperm deep inside her ass. Helen collapsed on her stomach as soon as Jeff finally withdrew. Maxine withdrew to the sidelines as did Jeff, and sweet Helen was left in the spotlight like a limp doll. Her dress seemed like that of a little girl. Then she stirred and arose, showing once again her big sensuous tits and dispelling the ravished littlegirl image.

Someone handed her a glass of refreshment, and she sank wearily onto a couch between Frank and Marie, who hugged her warmly. She stood up again and felt behind her. The semen running from her ass was making her dress wet. But she gave a shrug and decided to sit in it anyway. I don't know what prevented me from going over and hugging her and comforting her myself. Perhaps I felt voyeuristically cut off from the whole episode, in spite of the fact that she was my wife. Whatever it was, I was still standing in place like a wooden Indian when my turn was announced.

Lonnie and Ron took the floor. She was a perky little blonde and had lost all her clothes sometime during the first initiation period. Her bush was light and sparse and did nothing to hide the rounded, rosy lips of her crack. Her nipples were upturned like her nose, and her ass was small and tight. Next to Ron she didn't look as small as she had with Ed Unger, for Ron himself was a slight fellow with sandy brown hair. When he dropped his pants, however, I saw that his slight stature did not apply to his crotch. His prick was not quite as long as Frank's, but it was thicker and more imposing. And his testicles hung much lower in a very pendulous sac. The whole effect was almost that of a deformity with such a huge prick on so diminutive a man. But I had no time for contemplation.

The preliminaries were briefer than Helen. The pair of them ushered me forward and stripped me. I felt uncommonly exposed being in the lighted circle. I couldn't make out anything but dim shapes in the surrounding darkness. Then the cushions were rearranged, and Lonnie told me to lie down on my back.

They still hadn't done anything to me, nor did they proceed to do anything. Instead they stood astride me over my head and began to fondle each other. The view was incredible. Lonnie pumped and fondled Ron's monster prick while he explored the tender pink recesses of her beautiful slit. I wondered if my initiation was to be subjected to frustration.

Presently Lonnie turned around and went down on all fours, as Helen had done. The soft entrance to her body was only inches from my eyes. I longed for her to squat lower and engulf my face with her cunt, but instead Ron knelt behind her and I realized the frustration was to continue. As the enormous head of his prick parted the almost bare lips of her cunt, I thought her little hole couldn't possibly stretch to receive him. But inch by inch the huge machine buried itself deeper and deeper inside her. Then it was far enough in that while my eyes could still see the junction of their organs, my mouth was covered with the hanging bag of Ron's balls. The action to take them into my mouth was made unconsciously, but it was made. I played with his balls with my tongue for a minute or so, and then he pulled them out. He was beginning to fuck her for real. The piston of flesh came out and drove in, glinting with the lubrication she provided for it. The pressure on me was immense.

Then Ron pulled out entirely, and Lonnie moved away leaving him alone poised over my face. I longed to suck Lonnie's cunt, and here before me was Ron's giant cock smelling like cunt and slimy with cunt juice. I opened my mouth and tentatively licked the head. It was unbelievably smooth. I took it more into my mouth and felt both its strength and its softness. Lonnie's cunt flow was delicious, but with every second I was becoming more entranced by the sensation of sucking cock. I began to work my tongue around his head the way I knew I liked it, and I could feel him react.

Lonnie was not idle either, as I now found out. I felt the soft warmth of her body as she squatted over my straining prick. And then at long last I felt cunt. Skillfully she sheathed my longing cock in her tunnel of sex, sinking down upon me and absorbing me deeper and deeper into her. My climax was almost upon me as soon as she started moving up and down on me. I sucked harder at Ron's penis. His tension increased with mine. And then the muscles in his cock jerked and a blast of hot come came into my mouth. Another blast. I swallowed. It seeped around the corners of my mouth and ran down my cheek. I hardly noticed that I myself was coming at the same time and flooding Lonnie's cunt, so powerful was the strength of Ron's blast. I swallowed until he went limp, and then I, too, went limp.

The bodies of the initiators rose from my head and groin. The initiation was over. Now I knew how Helen had felt earlier. I was just lying exposed and drained in the bright light. I almost felt degraded, but I also felt sensually fulfilled. Finally, I got up and staggered to the sidelines, where someone gave me a stiff drink. Then I was being hugged and lovingly comforted by two warm naked women, Alice and Monica. I, like Helen a bit before, was now part of the club.

My lovely escorts settled me on a couch and with tender soothings and comfortings helped me recover from what, in retrospect, had been a rather traumatic experience. It's not every day that a hitherto straight man sucks his first prick in such a public way. Soon, however, the soft warmth of the white and brown breasts and thighs surrounding me made me forget my disturbed feelings and turn my attention once again to the matter at hand. Monica slithered across my lap, let my newly risen cock slip up her tight black crack. But after a certain amount of such monkeying around, Alice made her get off because we had a previous engagement.

I didn't remember what she was talking about until she pointed out Helen across the room with her husband, toying amorously with each other. Then I recalled that she had wanted me to take her while her husband was poking Helen. Leaving Monica disappointed, we went over to them, and Alice made her proposal.

"I'm not sure Helen wants to," replied her husband. "She's still dripping with what Frank gave her a few minutes ago. After his tool, she probably wouldn't notice me in there at all."

The idea had struck pay dirt with Helen, however, as the light in her eyes revealed. "Don't be an ass, Tom," she interjected. "I may have had it already fore and aft, but I haven't had it from you, and that's what I want." She gave him a peck on the mouth and squeezed his long, thin rod.

"Good," said Alice, arranging cushions on the floor next to their couch. Then she whispered in my ear, "Take me up the ass, will you Bobby. That's where I really want it."

I was a little dismayed as she went down on the floor on all fours because I didn't have any lubricant to ease my entrance. When I knelt behind her enticing butt, however, she solved this problem by reaching between her legs, wetting her hands in her cunt juice and covering my prick with her own lubrication. I spread her cheeks and lodged the head of my cock against her rosy hole. Immediately, she pushed back against it. It slid in with less difficulty than I had expected. Undoubtedly the passageway was well worn, So I was buried in her up to the hilt. The heat of her body and the tightness of the fit were superb. The novelty of the sensation had kept me from noticing Helen on the couch beside me. But now I looked at her. My head was only inches from her face on a slightly higher level. I looked and saw her blonde nest fully plugged by her rider's prick. He was kneeling almost vertically and was holding her hips off the couch with his hands. I stared into her feverish eyes and she into mine. I had the sudden sensation that it was she I was fucking. I kissed her and tongued her mouth as if she was a new girl for me; she responded with equal passion.

Then a new sensation struck me, or rather an old sensation struck me with new force. Eye to eye and in love with my wife, I nevertheless was rhythmically ramming my penis in and out of another woman's asshole and rubbing her clitoris while her husband furiously fucked my wife. In two short, violent jabs I was suddenly over the top and shooting off in Alice's anal depths. The force of my orgasm almost knocked her flat.

Beyond that there's little to add. We got the group to add Dave and Judy and Roger and Sue Ann, all of which took some persuading, since it made the group almost unwieldy, and for several months we continued to attend orgies at the Ungers' mansion fairly regularly. We all had other swaps, of course. Roger and I traded Helen and Sue Ann for a full week, and I came to enjoy waking up to the sight of her beautiful big tits and screwing her first thing in the morning. We also spent a couple of evenings with Jeff and Monica, during one of which we played unmixed doubles. The girls sucked each other off while the boys did likewise.

My feeling for Helen became, if anything, deeper. But a new element entered our relationship. At first it was a matter of Helen just not being very interested in sex privately. But after a while it became clear that she only had real pleasure when there was an audience watching her, even if it was only an audience of one. We kept on with our marital sex, but mirrors all around the bedroom became necessary. The innovation was not unwelcome to me. I had posed erotically with Helen before for still photos, but it was different to see myself actually fucking her. Still, it didn't appeal to me the way it did to her. I was becoming more a voyeur and she more an exhibitionist.

Nothing really different happened, however, until late spring when I received word that I was being shifted to a traveling job. When the change came, I would be out of town at least a third of every month. Naturally, at first this was depressing news, since it seemed that our sex life, which by now was about all we lived for, would be terribly disrupted. But after talking to other couples in the Unger group, we began to look at the job change in a new light. Some of them, it turned out, had swinging contacts in the cities I would most often be visiting, and they suggested that we make contact with these people by mail to provide in advance a good time wherever we went. Since these were private contacts and not sexclub ads, this seemed like a good idea, and we set ourselves to letter writing.

It took us a few tries to get the hang of it, but pretty soon we had active correspondence going with couples in three different cities. Since we had personal introductions, we didn't have to go through the rigmarole of cautious metaphor and innuendo. I still have the second letter we received from Madeleine and Jay Whitaker in Cleveland. I remember it came with a snapshot of the two of them sunning themselves in the altogether. It reads:

Dear Bob and Helen,

Got your last letter just as we were leaving for the golf course. Wow! What pictures! We got so hot looking at them that I just had to pull Maddy's shorts down and stick it up her. Imagine, standing up in front of our picture window! Lucky the neighbors weren't out. When are you coming to town? I can't wait to sink my face into those luscious boobs of yours, Helen. And Maddy's longing to suck you off, Bob. Write us again soon.



PS: I may not be ambidextrous, but while I've been writing this righthanded, I've had my left hand in Maddy's pantsССthat explains what the stains on the paper are. J.W

Naturally, after reading that we could hardly wait to go to Cleveland.

Fortunately, the opportunity came only a few days after the letter. My wife wasn't expected to accompany me, of course, but we had the money necessary, so she went anyway. We flew there in the morning and checked into our motel. Then I went to the company I was supposed to visit, and Helen went off to the art museum. We were figuring on a onenight stay, and if things worked out well, two nights.

When I got back to the motel, Helen was already there and dressing to go out. The Whitakers had called and arranged for us to meet them at a cocktail lounge. This was fine with us since it was neutral ground, and if we didn't like each other, we could call it off.

The lounge was both very fancy and very dark. We had expected to recognize them from their pictures, but the tables were so dimly lit we had to ask the waitress to point them out. Jay got up and let Helen slide into the curving booth seat next to Madeleine, while I seated myself on her far side. Their pictures really hadn't done them justice. Their outdoor activities gave them both a bronzed, healthful look that made them both younger and handsomer than we had anticipated.

We ordered drinks and chatted for a while. I hadn't arranged any signal with Helen, but I could tell she was really digging Jay. And, for my part, I found Madeleine captivating. She was somewhat older than I and had a sleek, tawny look. I wasn't sure how we were impressing them until the third round of drinks had been served and Madeleine reached into my crotch and felt for my penis. Despite my surprise, it became quite evident where it wasССquite quickly. In response, I, as unobtrusively as possible, put my hand under her dress between her conveniently parted legs. Exploring deeper, I felt a diaphanous wisp of cloth and under it the soft hairy crevice of her twat.

The Whitakers seemed quite confident and poised at this game and kept perfect composure above table level. I was nervous, but I imitated them and played along. Presently, things reached such a pass that, however innocent our quartet may have looked to someone standing in front of the table, the scene from my point of view was scandalous. The girls had gotten both of our pricks out, and Maddy was gently jacking me off. Jay and I, on the other hand, had the girl's dresses belly high and were sampling the wares inside their panties. Believe me, trying to chat and hold a drink with one hand while you're frigging the girl you're talking to with the other is a difficult job. Fortunately, Jay decided it was time to go, and after due preparations and formalities we made it to the fresh air outside.

They drove us back to our motel, and we hardly had time to get into our room before Maddy was on her knees sucking me off. I was feeling rather passive, so I just stood and enjoyed her sucking and watched her husband disrobe my wife, explore her body and finally lay her on the bed and lick her cunt. As always, this got me all excited, so I threw Maddy down on the bed beside Helen, yanked her panties down and stuck my cock in her. Being right beside Helen, I could watch her eyes melt as Jay licked her slippery pussy. Then he, too, was ready to go. He moved on top of her and slipped it in. After a few seconds, we synchronized our movements. For every stroke he gave my wife, I gave the same to his. With us going together and the girls bucking their pelvises against our pricks in the same rhythm, I thought the bed was going to collapse. But it held, and I had the triumph of withholding my orgasm until after Jay had had his.

The four of us lay on our backs side by side recovering. I casually undid the front of Maddy's dress, which I hadn't bothered with earlier, and massaged her tits.

Jay interrupted, "Hey, Maddy, button up and pretend you're coming home late."

I didn't follow what Jay wanted, but Madeleine did. She fixed her dress property, patted her hair into shape, and went to the door to the room. Then she turned around and walked forward. "Hello, Dear," she said in a gay, artificial voice, "I'm home. Sorry I'm late."

"Where you been?" queried Jay.

"Oh, just out with the girls."

"Until midnight? I don't suppose you've been out with the boys, too," he said sarcastically. "Come here."

Madeleine walked up to him and stopped. Jay fixed her with his eyes, and then in a sudden movement pulled her skirt up to her waist. Not only was her tawny bush naked, but it was obviously damp, and gobbets of white semen were seeping down the insides of her thighs. Jay stuck his hand into her gooey crotch and held it to her face.

"What do you think this is?" he demanded. Madeleine didn't answer. "Lick it off my fingers," he said sternly. Madeleine began to lick the mixture of come and cunt juice as she was directed. But Jay stopped her and instead threw her onto the bed and started fucking her brutally with a tremendously erect cock. Strangely enough, their little charade had gotten me hot again, and I rolled on top of Helen. The load of come in her cunt made fucking almost too slippery, but we were both hot, and we came very quickly.

Then, once again the four of us stretched out recuperating, I decided to ask Jay why they played their little game.

"Actually," he answered, "it's just acting out the start of our swapping lives. Up until a couple of years ago, we had never done any swinging. Each of us in secret, however, had had a couple of little affairs. I had taken a couple of secretaries to bed, and Maddy had provided entertainment on occasion for some of the lifeguards at the country club. What happened was that one day we had been playing tennis, and on the way back to the clubhouse Maddy had seen, or said she had seen, a friend she wanted to chat with. I went on ahead, and Maddy went off and got herself poked by the lifeguard. The way I found out was that some bad carpentry in the men's locker room had left a very large crack through which you could see into the ladies' locker room. It was behind some lockers, and I don't think anyone had discovered it but me. But I always sneaked a peek whenever the men's locker room was deserted. So I was taking in the sights in the ladies' locker room, and in particular watching a cute little teenager with a black twat put on her bikini, when Maddy walked in. The teenager walked out at the same time.

Maddy's back was toward me, and I watched her bend over to untie her tennis shoes. As she leaned over, the hem of her little tennis skirt rose, and to my fantastic surprise, she didn't have her panties on. Before me gaped her rosy pink crack, and just about to drip out of it was a milky white dollop of semen. I can't describe how I felt. I was angry and horrified, but even more I was titillated and transfixed. What I did was unbelievably foolish, but it had no unfortunate results. I impulsively ran next door and burst into the locker room, which, but for Maddy, was empty. There I confronted her, made her lick the lifeguard's come from my fingers and fucked her. And ever since then, that's been the central motivation for all of our swapping. It turns us on every time."